Maddock of the Mirror doesn't hate f**king what...

The InvisiBLUE Man

Well-Known Member
14 Apr 2009
apologies if already posted....

If Manchester City break into the top four this season, I'll be over the Blue MoonBy David Maddock

Published 11:41 15/09/09

Even though we say so ourselves, the new MirrorFootball website has been a raging success, with millions and millions of fans joining us to explore the game we all love and hate in equal measure.

I can say with all honesty it has brought a new dimension to my reporting, because it allows a closer exchange with the supporters, an interaction that was not always possible in the days before instant blogs.

This column has also allowed me to explore some of the fans' websites too, often as they react to some of the things said here every Tuesday. And it has been an educational experience.

My favourite site so far, by a long way, is the Manchester City supporting Blue Moon, which seems to have an equal regard for my humble words.

As much as I love their passion and articulate support of their team, though - and believe it or not, I am not being sarcastic here - the contributors there seem to be operating under a slight misconception about my football loyalties. Close readers of this blog will know which team I follow, but a small clue, they are outside the Premier League mainstream, even if they deserve to be up there with the big boys.

Which leads me on to the reason why Blue Moon have got it wrong about the fact that I apparently hate City. I don't. I've always been fond of them, and not just because they stole my club's song after hearing us singing it on a rare Match of the Day appearance.

City to me, have always had the air of the underdog about them, even when they were winning trophies. They always seemed to be capable of snatching disaster from the jaws of triumph, which is a hugely endearing quality.

I'm not being patronising here. I have always followed them with a fascinated pleasure, because they are a real club, with real fans and real failings. They have always generated genuine emotion within their support, and have never failed to give them excitement, even if it is not always the positive kind.

City fans in my experience tend to have a humour that is missing from the supporters of some of the other big city clubs. They can laugh at their club, and rejoice in their eccentricities. My funniest football friends tend to be City fans.

That's why I am a little worried about the takeover by the Arabs at the City of Manchester Stadium. I fear it will be just a little tedious if the club becomes all big business and boringly, predictably successful. I fear they will not be the City we all love, and it could turn their supporters into the ranting automatons that seem to follow the other top teams.

That said, I'm really hoping they succeed, for two reasons. As the supporter of a club outside the elite - I refuse to say small here - it always thrills me to see the cartel at the top of the Premier League challenged, and already it seems City are capable of making the top four sweat, which will be greatly entertaining with so much Champions League money at stake.

The second reason is because of their manager, Mark Hughes. I'll lay my cards on the table here, Sparky is one of my football heroes. As a player he had no equal in my book, the toughest striker I have ever seen, with a passion and commitment that was breath-taking.

And as a manager, I think he has already displayed those qualities, which could make him one of the greats, if he is given the time to develop. He has the mental strength, he has the respect, he has the football knowledge, and he clearly has the ruthless streak all top managers require.

I didn't like the way City conducted themselves throughout the Joleon Lescott affair, because it went beyond the bounds of a reasonable approach. But Hughes got his man and has already slotted that piece into a jigsaw that is fast coming together.

Despite the adulation he received at Old Trafford, I never thought Hughes quite got the credit he deserved as a player, because he was one of the greats of the modern game. Here's to hoping he has the chance to receive it as a manager.

And one final note to Blue Moon. I'm not entirely sure what a bindipper is, but I don't really think I can be one...
He can piss off, the same old patronising shite about how he's only concerned for our heritage and how the big bad arabs are making us become corporate i.e. little city is ok but don't rock the boat.


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