Mame Diouf's brother

Fanzone Danny said:
The truth behind this story is I saved Diouf's brother and his mate that was with him from getting seriously injured. I didn't know it was him till i read this article but we were walking away from the ground past where the rags fans were coming out and saw these 2 black lads with unshited shirts on (one having Diouf on the back) and said to my mates they were gonna get hurt with the amount of City fans looking for a fight.

Then this middle aged guy who thought he was someting out of ID comes bouncing up to them shouting "come on blues lets have them" and throws a punch a one of the lads and completely missed so I got in the middle of them and him and told him to stop acting like a dick and told the 2 rags to fuck off back to their fans just as about 50 City fans were charging towards them!

Then saw the 2 rags running off with a load of City fans chasing after them and from what I saw they got a few digs in the back of the head then managed to get where the police were!

He owes me a fooking beer! ;-)

Trust you to be proper old school! I facking lav you Gumbo!
robsta said:
LoveCity said:
Not sure about this but some of our fans acted up.

My dad, a rag, was at the match and said 250 or so City fans came over a hill towards them, some with bricks, until the police chased them off.
Makes it sound like something out of Gladiators. Not wishing to suggest your Dad is lying but just wondered where the bloody hill is around COMS. It's as flat as a pancake round there.

bollocks, the hill near mary D's........where a small army of rags waited for us and cheered after the first carling cup leg before swiftly fucking off
mcfc_die_hard said:
fuck me its a bit of a laugh.

they took us by suprise last time hitting inocent people no matter if they had kids or not.

city turned up with this massive crew and made them scared they were shitting themselfes when they were penned in near the coaches and to be honest we dont know which one of them were at it last time but the ones who got a smack i dont feel sorry for thats just me.

2 wrongs do make a right you dont just stand down and let them walk all over our city thats fucking bollocks.

after the semi final at our place they was pissing themselves at us because they took us unaware and hit some randomers that didnt want to fight but they arent laughing any more are they.

You're a weapon, and I don't mean that as a compliment.

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