Manc or not (Merged)

Re: Manc or not


reason for being a blue: Basically SWP. I got into football about 2003ish, the time when shauny was doing the business, and i really liked him, which lead to me follwing the Blues! Shame that SWP isnt doing the business for city now!
Re: Manc or not

Banned Tosspot said:

If not, reasons for being a blue whether it's family or stupidity or something else.

Not,born & bred inGlasgow,but in 1967/68,.thought,who the fuk is this team doing so well (i was 11) in the 1st div.Sky blue shirt is cool (i was 11),team are good (i was 11),my mates at school were into Leeds,Chelsea,Pool etc,,ithought fuk it,i'm gonna be different to they nobs (i was 11).City till ah fukn die from now on.P.S. Can we win something (again) before i pop my clogs .(i'm now 52,not 11)<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:23 pm --<br /><br />
Banned Tosspot said:

If not, reasons for being a blue whether it's family or stupidity or something else.

Not,born & bred inGlasgow,but in 1967/68,.thought,who the fuk is this team doing so well (i was 11) in the 1st div.Sky blue shirt is cool (i was 11),team are good (i was 11),my mates at school were into Leeds,Chelsea,Pool etc,,ithought fuk it,i'm gonna be different to they nobs (i was 11).City till ah fukn die from now on.P.S. Can we win something (again) before i pop my clogs .(i'm now 52,not 11)
Re: Manc or not

BoyBlue_1985 said:
Not Manc unfortunatly

Born darn sarf, Support City because of the takeover.....

Not really, my family all from Manchester, and when i was born my dad gave me 2 choices with the team i support.
1) Manchester City
2) Get out of my house

LOL, - I couldnt agree with your Dad anymore. If i have a kid and he doesnt support City he will be going to live with his grandparents....

As for the thread question,
Manc - Born at St Marys.
Manc or not...(2)....

...does it bother you proper Mancs ?.There are loads of Bluemooners on here,not from Mancland.Ahm fae Jockland,theres guys from USA,Sweden,Canada,Oz,NZ etc,etc on here.The 1 thing about it is......WE ARE ALL CITY FANS...CTID.
Re: Manc or not

I'm from london, and always supported Liverpool/Rags until you lot got all that cash and bought Robinho. Frankly if we don't finish 4th I'll probably go for whoever wins the league next season. I've waited almost 2 years for city to win something and my patience is starting to wear thin.

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