Mancini fear of failure?

tolmie's hairdoo

Well-Known Member
20 Feb 2008
Waiting for Axelrod to return...
I see various fragments of opinion regarding Mancini, ultimately, how do we progress forward as it stands?

Do City become successful when the manager is unable to not have everyone pulling in the same direction?

That goes for, players, fans, whoever.

I credit Mancini for having the balls to take the job in the situation he was presented with last season.

He has been on a massive learning curve, since.

However, I believe the team has been treading water for weeks, getting away with it against lesser opposition.

Tiredness and not enough personal and collective responsibility, was there for all to see against Fulham.

But I believe if he doesn't sort his head out, and quick, it will cost him his.

Most importantly, it will cost City, dearly.
I don't think I've ever seen a manager come out and say his players are tired at the most crucial time of the season. Was he justifying the performance to the owners, because I cannot see how that helps. Or slagging off the 3 strikers? He seems to be really down at the moment.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I see various fragments of opinion regarding Mancini, ultimately, how do we progress forward as it stands?

Do City become successful when the manager is unable to not have everyone pulling in the same direction?

That goes for, players, fans, whoever.

I credit Mancini for having the balls to take the job in the situation he was presented with last season.

He has been on a massive learning curve, since.

However, I believe the team has been treading water for weeks, getting away with it against lesser opposition.

Tiredness and not enough personal and collective responsibility, was there for all to see against Fulham.

But I believe if he doesn't sort his head out, and quick, it will cost him his.

Most importantly, it will cost City, dearly.

"If we don’t have motivation, it’s a big problem because we are in third position and in two cups.” Mancini said. “Motivation should be very high. I think the season is very long. I’m disappointed by the result, but this is what happens when you play every three days and you don’t have many players, like we don’t at the moment."

Worrying. Suggesting the players aren't motivated enough. Still talking about too many games. He needs to stop showing so much public weakness.

As for players not pulling in the same direction - well the squad is Roberto's chosen one, the 'bad eggs' are all gone. So if he can't motivate his players he should be fucking worried as should we...
Beginning to lose faith in the man to be honest. I'm more worried watching City these days than I have ever been, which is ridiculous considering we are now regarded as one of the big clubs.
I just don't get how he is making such public errors.

He cites one of the reasons for the Hughes handshake, that it was possible payback for the cursory handshake at Fulham?

There is being candid and being naive. His uncompromising nature is such, he can't take everyone with him.

I'm actually shocked at how dead on our feet and demotivated we look at such a crucial time.
I like Mancini he's an excellent at getting results, granted it's not always the right way or the way we would like.

My only concern is the guys had a lot more negative pressure than any other premiership manger in history, having money sounds like a dream and to most it is but it brings about another type of pressure....In the form of (HIGH) expectation. In truth I think he's handled it quite well, but with his Dad being unwell its made those pressure ten times worse, a parent unwell is a massive hardship on anybody.

So what do we do? Do we get on his back or back him.

I'd back him.

Oh and before you type back about my comments, have a little think first....Negative pressure and a family member seriously unwell!!!
He is now fully aware of the poison chalice that is being the manager of MCFC

Many have tried,and failed,but none have ever had the amount of money like Mancini has these days at their disposal.

Us as fans are a little to blame,not always though,by expecting our world team of harlem globetrotters to batter every team we play each week,(I dont by the way,been following us for far too long to know better)

I dont buy into this we are playing every 3 days bullshit neither,the man is falling into the excuses category already am afraid,and although this is my opinion,and mine only,I dont think he is upto the job full stop.

I aint a clue who should be targetted as a replacement,thats for the summer no doubt,but if we fuck up this season he will no doubt be a gonner in June
tactics and motivation{lack of} may cost us dear both which i think he is still learning to grasp in the premiership,hope we stuff villa this week cos i think kiev will be a very difficult game where we will be pegged backed and not allowed to dictacte the pace which is when we really seem to struggle{hence the tactics and motivation}.
Let's all get behind Mancini 100% and push our team for top four and a trophy!! I dont like Mancini going on about 3 games a week injuries and the players are tied to much negativity! I'd rather him be positive and say our squads strong enough and players now a days are that fit 3 games a week is no problem! Also we have some excellent youngsters who can always play a big part!
waspish said:
Let's all get behind Mancini 100% and push our team for top four and a trophy!! I dont like Mancini going on about 3 games a week injuries and the players are tied to much negativity! I'd rather him be positive and say our squads strong enough and players now a days are that fit 3 games a week is no problem! Also we have some excellent youngsters who can always play a big part!

The sentiment is commendable, but it's very difficult for me to continue backing a horse which shows no sign of getting back into the race.

Certainly to the extent, he's got his whip out way too early, and is letting the other runners and riders know, our chances are slim.

You can't rely on youngsters at this stage. Nor whould we. Mancini spent a lot of money getting 'his' team.

As it stands - both Kolarov and Boateng will never be more than squad players and can't be relied upon to defend consistently.

Balotelli and Dzeko, far too early for them to carry the burden.

It in the exisisting nucleus of deadwood, and top performers, who he can't motivate and gameplan enough, to get us where we should be.

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