Mancini has pop at Bacon Face for ‘kamikaze’ jibe

An important point for us is that we have only recently come into a LOT of money so of course our transfer fees are going to be high therefore pushing up how much we spend. I bet if scum had bought any of the players we have the prices would have been a lot different.

Also we are taking players out of the market, that is obviously costly but thats the way we want to play it. We could be using our money to pay players wages who are not getting a game or servicing interest payments on debts, I know what the better option is.
markpollard said:
BWFC tid said:
I listened to that entire interview on the radio and at no point does SAF mention city? He was asked a question about clubs trying to build a successful team from within the academy and he said that that was the policy at the club but with experienced additions brought in when required. He said the current situation with clubs kamikaze policy of buying in multi players doesn't guarantee success.

But if you really think about the team that has really got up his nose in recent times, It's Real Madrid. Buying Benzema when they didn't even need him, Fergie wanted to bum that fella, still does.

Why don't you fuck off on your inbred Bolton site you tosser.
and whilst your at it , go at your sister with one of your 6 fingers !
Vienna_70 said:
DirtyHarry said:
Wasn`t Pallister ( £2.3m) a British record for a defender at the time ?

It might have been, had we not just paid £2.5 million for Keith Curle.

We bought Curle waaaay after they bought Palister. One of Palister's first games was the 5-1 when Machin was manager. Reid signed Curle couple of years later.
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
Vienna_70 said:
It might have been, had we not just paid £2.5 million for Keith Curle.

We bought Curle waaaay after they bought Palister. One of Palister's first games was the 5-1 when Machin was manager. Reid signed Curle couple of years later.

Sorry; I stand corrected.

Though I'm sure they signed someone for about £2.3 million at more or less the same time as Curle joined us.
BlueForever123 said:
One of my mates put this on her Facebook recently:

Since I had a free/boring Saturday afternoon, and that some of my Rag mates are still trying to convince themselves and me that City are ruining the game off football and Englands future world cup hopes... I thought I would do some research.......

Look at what I found, all these players that ferguson has brought off the local streets of salford and made them into world beaters:

£10m for Hernandez
£16m for Valencia
£31m for Berbaflop - YES £31 MILLION Ha Ha Ha.... I wonder who's fault that was....
£17m for Hargreaves
£17m for Nani
£18 for Anderson
£17m for Carrick
£27m for Rooney
£7m for Vidic
£6m for Evra
£5m for Park
£6m for Kléberson
£4m for Djemba-Djemba
£12m for Ronaldo
£13m for Saha
£7m for Smith
£7m for Heinze
£29m for Ferdinand - IN 2002!!!! TWENTY NINE MILLION!!!!
£19m for van Nistelrooy
£29m for Veron - IN 2001!!!! TWENTY NINE MILLION!!!!
£7.5m for Forlan
£8m for Barthez
£4.5m for Taibi
£11m for Stam
£12.5m for Yorke

There is one or two missing. Smalling for example. His fee has not been confirmed but it is the record fee Fulham have ever received for a player.

Its amazing how you spend so LITTLE but win so much £340,500,000......

Hopefully this will put an end to all those bitter reds, who keep on forgetting that they are the ones that started this... its just a shame they cannot finnish it :-)

Roll on the 2010/11 season... let the banter begin!

well said Bobby lad.
Their argument though is that they earned that money so it could be spent whereas our money has been bankrolled by a sugar daddy, as if I give a fuck, money is money.
Rammyblues said:
Their argument though is that they earned that money so it could be spent whereas our money has been bankrolled by a sugar daddy, as if I give a fuck, money is money.

of course, thats why they owe £700 million

if we have a council house then those wankers have a 125% self-certified mortgaged house
BWFC tid said:
Blue Train said:
Ha! Classic raggery. No attempt to take inflation into account, no shame in denying that the baconfaced twat built the entire Utd empire on 20 (not 15) years of paying over the odds for any player that took his fancy, blowing everyone out of the water every close season, spunking shitloads on player after player and breaking the transfer record more than any other manager, and all of it paid for by the a share flotation and Sky shovelling massive riches into their bank account.

It's over now. It's our turn to do it to you.

Enjoy the next 20 years. ;-)

Sky are still filling their bank account. They made a profit of 93 million last year, and the two seasons they reached the champs league final they made summat like 200 million. Why do you think the glazers won't sell for a billion, it's a cash cow that prints money.

Hahaha, no they didn't. They had a 48 million profit on the 80 million profit on Ronaldo sale.

Without Ronaldo they had a loss of 30 million depending on how Ronaldo was amortized.

Ronaldo Sale Ensures Manchester United Profit
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