Mark Hughes


Well-Known Member
31 Aug 2008
Greater Manchester
No, this is not another "Hughes Out" thread, but one which hopefully might provide some constructive discussion. Yes, things are looking good right now. If we buy Tevez, Etoo and RSC we will undoubtedly have the best strike force around, although we are still light in defensive back-up, an omission which Hughes will probably address before long. My real concern is the manager himself. Does he have the talent and experience to make this great squad of players gel? Hughes was arguably the best striker in the UK on his day but what does he really know about positional marking tactics at defending corners or free kicks? Do we actually have a defensive coach? If we do, could we not get someone better? Yes, we have evidently signed Tougay as midfield coach, but can he help sort out our defensive frailities? Perhaps signing an experienced defensive coach would be the best way forward. Might Paul Hart be available soon? Even Stuart Pearce solely as a defensive coach to help Hughes out might be an idea? Just thinking aloud here but you guys will probably have better names to suggest. Hughes will need help, sooner rather than later, so let us help him now, before its too late.
I don't think our defensive frailties were down to tactics/coaching personally, the problem was with personell, in the respect that goals came from individuals losing personal battles/ individual errors. To use specific examles: arsenal away both goals came from errors by our centre halfs (dunne/ned) allowing adabayor a free header without jumping is from a set piece would not have been a tactical decision :-) To use dunne again (sorry Richard) how much did his sendings off and own goals affect the oucome of results?

With regard to set pieces, at which we are pants, I think it was NMT who posted a chat with Mark Bowen who said that our management team believe it is the responsibility of the players (ie. Terry, vidic, lescott, laurson) to dominate in these situations rather than training ground routines and and this is true at the rags and villa who lead the league statistically at these apparently!

Couple with this, our non combative players like robinho, elano, petrov etc. ( I know petrov missed most of the season) and we got overrun at times in midfield because we carry too many passengers, the likes of Chelsea and the rags don't carry 1 player in their squad we have had 3 or 4 in out TEAM on some matchdays especially away from home and in these scenarios the squad (sometimes due to injuries) has been too lightweight in respect of the manager having no options to change the game or there being no pressure on underperforming superstars ( the Brazilian contingent again who away from home have largely been.. Well away!)

This pre-season will allow MH to address these personell issues and carry on instilling the work ethic we saw from his Blackburn team who all worked 100% for him and each other, IMO he should be given another 2 seasons to get them to gel as I feel it can take years to change things such as mentality at a club (and boy does ours need changing!) but I accept given the vast ammounts of money he will spend he will be judged prior to this and a good start is essential MH has stated this himself and I think the fixture list has been very kind in this respect, win at blackburn, then a postponment (everton) allowing us a few extra days rest, win at home to wolves and another victory away to portsmouth are all feasible results given the players we expect to sign.

That gives us 9 points and a game in hand and confidence leading into the big 2 against arsenal and the rags get something from these and we can really start dreaming :-) but this being city, defeat at blackburn is a knocking bet (sorry old habits die hard!) If I am totally wrong in my oppinion on Hughes and his staff and they are innept they will be found out this season, in the worse case scenario we don't perform and finish mid table again the squad for the new manager will have a much better platform to build on so I really can't find any reasons to be negative about city at the moment! Roll on the new season and will be revealled!! Come in you blues

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