Mata ... Available ..... Really ?

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My thinking as well. And would say Mata means more to Chelsea than Rooney does to United, taking in to account his shitty attitude and desire to leave.

But I can't get my head around all this mention of bids/offers for Mata. Normally no smoke without fire ?
Impeccable One said:
My thinking as well. And would say Mata means more to Chelsea than Rooney does to United, taking in to account his shitty attitude and desire to leave.

But I can't get my head around all this mention of bids/offers for Mata. Normally no smoke without fire ?
It started with Marca trying to undermine Mourinho since Mata is Spanish. Since Marca is Madrid's mouthpiece it probably indicated that they were interested in grabbing him if it was at all possible but those rumours of a supposed rift were quickly shot down seeing as they'd never even met.

Then United decided to lie to the press and tell them that we offered him in a part exchange for Rooney. Presumably some genius in their camp thought it'd be a clever way of telling us to back off, and it backfired on them. Both a club statement and a Mourinho press conference have categorically denied it and reaffirmed that he's not for sale.
citytill1die84 said:
NO CHANCE NO CHANCE NO CHANCE Mourinho already said this. Mata is 1 of Chelseas best players they'd be stupid to let him go.

Mourinho is a maverick but not a stupid maverick! If Juan Mata is sold on his watch then he's lost the plot completely. However, if tales have a sniff of truth and Mata and Mourinho have some history . . . . . . . . . . . . . .! Could be interesting.
Unless Abramovich or Mourinho has touch of Heat Stroke then this is less likely.
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