Match Thread | Crystal Palace vs Man City (06/04/15)

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You know it's not your day when their defender manages to hoof it over the bar from a foot away from the goal line.
That clearance from the Palace player clearly explains this match. One of those desperately unlucky fluke games and the twisted thing is that the players are actually giving everything in this game.
Daz_Blue said:
This time next week we will be 4 points behind the rags....we are a joke ....Pellegrini fuck off now FFS

Never been one to shout for a sacking but this is disgraceful to a David Moyes level.
Adebayor said:
Benarbia said:
Sack the fucking manager now

Is that the best you can come up with,ffs get on to ragcafe.
Edin,Yaya have been fukn woeful,is that Manuel's fault.

Erm... Yes.

They've been awful for ages you tool. It's Manuel's fault that he keeps picking them.

Useless manager. When it calls for tactical decisions, and picking the right team, he fails and gets it wrong way too often - which is his fault.

I'm a fukn tool am I ?
Better than being a fukn know all dick.
Did you call Manuel useless last year when we won a double.
Tool,haha I'm pishing maself.
This football under pellers is fucking boring as fuck, its like watching a team of david battys pasing it left to right then back again.
I'm sorry but this is tactical, players of this quality do not out of choice break then stop on the edge of the 6 yard box and pass sideways, its so obvious we are being coached that way and its killing us
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