The Boys in Blue never give in, they fight to the end. Come on City, come on City. Show 'em lads, show 'em all. They may be the Palace but we have the Castle and the Kingdom!! We are the greatest.
Show the know nowt, alleged media types who don't know a football from a rugby ball just what we are made of, the cowabunga load of fishpaste fools.
Show the Specsavers needing, whistle blowing group who call themselves the officials. Yep the official hob knocker, jack waggons who still don't know who we are. We are MANCHESTER CITY, THE BEST TEAM IN THE LAND AND ALL THE WORLD, you pile of shiitake mushrooms.
Now come on lads we need this and we want it and we deserve it. So get out there and show the world who we are. :-)
These lads can do it. Keep the faith everyone. :-)