May and the missile

This about sums it up:(Guardian)

Theresa May was told about the test of a Trident missile that reportedly misfired, less than a week before she held a House of Commons vote on renewing the £40bn nuclear system.

The prime minister’s spokeswoman insisted on Monday that the operation was successful because the submarine HMS Vengeance and its crew were “certified” afterwards.

How did the Trident test fail and what did Theresa May know?

However, she repeatedly refused to deny reports that a serious malfunction occurred during the test, saying the government would not get into operational details.

The disclosure comes after May declined four times to say what she knew about the apparent error when interviewed on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show on Sunday.

Labour has been granted an urgent question on the Trident test, meaning Michael Fallon, the defence secretary, will have to appear before on Monday afternoon.

Downing Street is facing growing accusations of a cover-up as the prime minister stood up in the Commons to ask MPs to vote for the renewal of the Trident programme on 18 July without telling them about problems with the missile system.

In that debate, May said she would be willing to authorise a nuclear strike that could kill 100,000 people, as the House of Commons voted overwhelming to replace Britain’s Trident programme.

Play Video. Duration: 01:14
Theresa May dodges question on Trident misfire four times
Downing Street insisted it was a longstanding policy not to comment on the operational detail of Trident tests, but there was publicity around similar ones in 2005, 2009 and 2012.

“There is not a set approach on whether the outcome of these operations are publicised. You shouldn’t read anything into it not being publicised,” May’s spokeswoman said.

She said the demonstration and shakedown operation, essentially an MOT, was undertaken by HMS Vengeance on its return to service following a refit. No 10 said the prime minister was fully briefed on the test and informed that the operation was successful, allowing Vengeance and its crew to return to service with “absolute confidence” in its capabilities.

However, the Sunday Times reported that there was a serious malfunction with the firing of the unarmed missile, which was meant to head towards the west coast of Africa.

Asked whether she was disputing the facts of this story that the missile misfired, the spokeswoman said: “I am not going to get into operational details.”

Weeks after the test, and shortly after May replaced David Cameron as prime minister, MPs voted overwhelmingly to spend up to £40bn on renewing Trident.

May is facing growing discontent from senior Tories, Labour and the SNP about the failure to disclose problems with the test before that vote.

Julian Lewis, the Tory chair of the defence committee, called for somebody to be sacked over the controversy.

Lewis told broadcasters: “This sort of event is not one you can play both ways. These tests are routine but infrequent in this country. Whenever they work, which is 99% of the time, film is released of them working, so whichever person decided they wanted to draw a veil over one that didn’t work should have been sacked. You have always got to assume that something like this will come out.”

He added: “This test went wrong in June when it was a question of David Cameron and his team being at No 10. They evidently decided to cover this matter up.

“The only way she could have disclosed this matter would have been to point the finger of accusation against her predecessor for covering it up. So a tricky situation, but on the whole I think if she did know – which she probably did – she should have spoken up.”
Not sure what all the fuss is about. If tests always work, there'd be no point doing them.

It matters because now everything she declines to answer will become headline news. Anybody in Number 10 who thought that was a great strategy wants their head feeling as they face 2 years of press scrutiny anyway - this just adds fuel to a fire.
It matters because now everything she declines to answer will become headline news. Anybody in Number 10 who thought that was a great strategy wants their head feeling as they face 2 years of press scrutiny anyway - this just adds fuel to a fire.

Do you not agree with this:

"Julian Lewis, the Tory chair of the defence committee, called for somebody to be sacked over the controversy.

Lewis told broadcasters: “This sort of event is not one you can play both ways. These tests are routine but infrequent in this country. Whenever they work, which is 99% of the time, film is released of them working, so whichever person decided they wanted to draw a veil over one that didn’t work should have been sacked. You have always got to assume that something like this will come out.”

He added: “This test went wrong in June when it was a question of David Cameron and his team being at No 10. They evidently decided to cover this matter up.

“The only way she could have disclosed this matter would have been to point the finger of accusation against her predecessor for covering it up. So a tricky situation, but on the whole I think if she did know – which she probably did – she should have spoken up.”


i.e. It wasn't her decision to cover it up and once she was told she was left with choice of saying nothing or immediately accusing Cameron of covering it up.
Not sure what any PM from any party is suppose to say about missile testing that goes wrong.
During my service I am aware of at least 3 similar incidents, albeit they weren't dummy nuclear weapons.

One missile landed in a farmers field and killed a cow in a field off Aberporth. One failed to leave the launcher and burnt through the deck and we once locked onto an actual aircraft instead of a drone prior to firing until the error was spotted. The plane entered the test range despite airlines being advised to keep well away.
That's why it's a test - to iron out issues.
Think this is a non story. A test gone wrong has nothing to do with the Trident vote re the future security of our country. Of course she knew the test went wrong, she's the PM. Why broadcast it to the world that we can't even launch a missile? Doesn't exactly project a position of strength does it?

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