Media Discussion - 2023/24
"The list continues, and Harris was not deterred even though he has been the target for attacks from fans of British football club Manchester City and hundreds of their social media trolls"

I assume this award is like the Thomas Cook trophy. Ie created by Nick, so he could write an article for himself. The bloke looks genuinely unwell in that photo. This isn't a journalist on top of his game anymore (putting personality aside he's done some good work in the past). But the timing of this, his wife's passing and his career taking a nosedive, CAS judgement being a bitter pill to swallow, make me concerned he's becoming unhinged. He seems to seek out the trolls in order to play the victim card.
Anyway, hope his pain eases and he can enjoy a life again

May we forever boil his piss.
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Delivering around Cumbria last Friday I put BBC Cumbria on for travel news and the main breakfast presenter Mike was joined by his side kick who informed the listener which Fa cup games would be available to view on terrestrial tv over the weekend. Side kick unashamedly announced that he is a rag living in the Kendal area then started to share his info on games, channels times ect, but clearly nobody told him that we were playing Spurs that very evening as he failed to mention anything about it the rag twat. Mike wound him up asking if he had seen the Pep documentary on BBC to which he sounded well pissed off and declined the offer of watching it on catch up. Amazes me how these fuckwits get away it.
Lots of good die-hard blues in Kendal.
This prick sounds like the one that wears shirts every 2 months when they get a result.
In other words every village has s idiot
It would be nice to have the national press being positive about the way City have pushed forwards the levels of football at all levels in this country.
Any positive they mention is fleeting, and the many negatives pile on top of that one positive like team mates on a last minute cup final goal scorer.
Our glory years will not be remembered fondly by anyone other than our fans. The nation has been groomed to believe what City are doing is actually bad for the sport.
Never in the history of the game have so many railed against one club. It's like we are Milwall of the 80s with a European cup in the trophy cabinet!
The reality is we are the league whipping boys because we have made the other (more influential) teams look amateurish. That is our biggest crime. To show their business model up for the lazy, money grabbing, fan rip-off, outdated, shitty way they operate and play.
These writers just don't get that by being so holistically good we have dragged these other teams to higher levels.
Since City have come to the fore there has been more competition for the league title, not less. Just because we have edged out the scousers on many occasions,, doesn't mean it was at a canter.
The press revisionism reads like a fairytale of the old days when utd and scouse we vying together for the top spot. THIS NEVER HAPPENED!
Just an elaborate smokescreen to plant a seed of wistful nostalgia into the minds of the vocal red top fans, having them believe that "the good old days" belong to them only, and the future is theirs to divvy up between them, also. Like the sport is their own coffee shop franchise with an outlet on every high street corner, pissed off because an new vendor is on the scene picking up their disenfranchised customer base.
They remind me of the banks during the financial crisis (that the same banks caused) knowing that they will never face the music for their misdeeds, and will be forever propped up by the rest of us as they are "too big to fail".
As with the banks, they must be allowed to fail. To be artificially allowed to operate outside of normal financial, or sporting, market forces, they do not adapt and provide efficient and robust product. Always at risk of making the same mistakes again.
In slight defense of the scousers, they have adapted their ways, but we get no credit for forcing them to up their game to compete.
Utd are just a basket case and cannot work on current methods to be successful. They only know "throw money at problem, problem goes away" method. From the state of their operation, this doesn't work anymore. And so it shouldn't.
Maybe Chemical Jim will change them, maybe they become a force again, but I tell you something, if they do it will not be City credited as being the catalyst for the change, it will be the scousers. Because that "great historical rivalry" is the narrative that must be planted and nurtured in your 'common or garden' level fan roaming around the Internet sports pages.
I look forward to the days when City are written about with honesty and appreciation, when a * or 115 aren't immediately tagged onto any hollow praise we receive, from a journalist who bestows this credit not because to not do so makes him/her look petty, but because they understand a team that has made a generational jump forward in the sport, and dragged the rest of the rabble with them, to everyone's financial gain.
I await those days with forlorn anticipation.
absolutely excellent & incisive post, spot on mate
I guarantee it is 100% ON PURPOSE.

All the Raggies in their Sports Dept will be gleefully slapping each other on the backs and congratulating themselves on 'getting one over' on the City fans AGAIN.
Someone posted 'anyone but Liverpool' on that thread, and even though it was full of red top plastics slagging City, it got more up votes than down.
And, for context, that's one sixth that's right 1/6, of what "Sir Jim'" paid for 25% of united. And that's before the extra 150% of City's entire purchase price that he's promised to invest in "infrastructure".
There was a bit of furore over dodgy Jim wanting government funding to redevelop the swamp and Raggies defending the story were claiming Sheikh Mansour was given a stadium for nothing. That was about five years before he took control of the club and the same gluepots that call the Etihad the council house want yet another government hand out to an ownership that has siphoned millions out of football to American billionaires.

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