Media Discussion - 2023/24

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He went to the last World Cup. Tries to justify this by saying he is a reporter, as though he’s a top notch intrepid investigative journalist though I am not aware of any top exclusives. ( I stand to be corrected)

Obviously if he was genuinely concerned he would have boycotted the event. But there’s money to be made writing articles and books the “histree” clubs will have no problem with.
"Top reporters" these days spend their life cutting and pasting content from various Internet forums and posting it on their personal Twitter feeds. Most articles are based on a pre-determined narrative which produces the most online clicks. Fact-checking does not come into it.
"Top reporters" these days spend their life cutting and pasting content from various Internet forums and posting it on their personal Twitter feeds. Most articles are based on a pre-determined narrative which produces the most online clicks. Fact-checking does not come into it.

The thing about Delaney is that he expresses well some real concerns about how football is developing but conflates them with the issue of "one or two" "apparently" "state-owned" clubs in the PL as if the latter is the main cause of the former. There is a position for an investigative reporter to get to the truth behind the developments and place billionaire investors and "states" in their proper places. This reporter will certainly be on the side of truth when all is said and done. Unfortunately, MD isn't that reporter. A shame. For him mostly.
I was a local level journalist (working for a community-based newspaper) and my philosophy was never write when angry about something, because the emotion comes through.

Problem with the clown Deluney is he's either angry cos we've won or gloating cos we lost.
There's no objectivity to his articles.

It's like Neville in match commentary; he's so angry when utd are losing he can't wait to blame the Glazers at every opportunity.
When we beat Arsenal in the LC final he was furious.
The camera focuses in an Arsenal kid crying before panning in on Ozil. GN says, "He's crying because of YOU!" He's emotional cos we're winning and he needed to let his frustration out.

Same this year when the dip beat Chelsea and he calls them the billion pound bottlejobs.
He's angry (cos the scousers have won the league cup) just like Liew, Deluney et al... are when we win.

Not making excuses for him, because he shouldn't be on the mic, but the difference is Neville is a former player, who's speaking in the moment.
These bitter journos have time to consider their articles and YET they still write a vitriolic piece.
It's premeditated. Basically they've written the article before they've even watched the game.
One of the best post I’ve read in a while, and bang on the button
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