Media Discussion - 2023/24

Nice to see such upstanding ex footballers commenting on city,its Good to hear the views of one who climbed out of a window to avoid a drug test then was cheating on his wife while she was lying in bed dying from that wretched disease cancer and another who enjoys beating up women and hiding in bushes on Cannock chase watching other couples having sex allegedly , perhaps we should remind then next time they attend a city match
Just like the positive and fawning anrticle about Arteta and Arsenal last night after Arsenal got beat by Bayern Munich , we now have a similar article for Klopp and Liverpool. Whilst Pep and City got slaughtered without any sentiment, remorse or words of comfort.

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Just like the positive and fawning about Arteta and Arsenal last night after Arsenal got beat by Bayern Munich , we now have a similar article for Klopp and Liverpool. Whilst Pep and City got slaughtered without any sentiment, remorse or words of comfort.

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Pass the bucket so I can puke in it.
Just like the positive and fawning about Arteta and Arsenal last night after Arsenal got beat by Bayern Munich , we now have a similar article for Klopp and Liverpool. Whilst Pep and City got slaughtered without any sentiment, remorse or words of comfort.

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Give Kloppo a break, he works on a shoe string budget and his team did all they could against filthy rich Atalanta.
Not read anything on last nights game other than here. At the final whistle the crowd sang for the team, we knew they couldn't have given anymore. I have not seen so many people stay and clap the team as they went on walk about after the game. We are immensely proud of our team and I although disappointed at not winning was not too upset after they had given their all.
I thought Madrid, " the biggest club in the world", had a game plan of a relegation threatened team and would be embarrassed if I was a supporter of theirs that they played like that in the premier European cup.
I don't think I will be seeing a match report along those lines about City trying to overcome another anti football team rocking up against us.

Stoke Madrid managed by Carlo Pulis.

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