Media Discussion - 2023/24

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Pep should refuse to do post match interviews like Pisscan did. Should send Moonchester over to the post match interview area instead
I don’t know why Pep does every single presser. He could delegate more than a few of them. I know the club have legal obligations, but just say he’s not feeling well, he’s indisposed, personal reasons, unexpected events etc. Do it for the games when we know he’s going to get bombarded with irrelevant, non match specific comments. If the media want to play games, then so can the club. We just don’t have a clue when it comes to handling the media.
Our club has tried the softly, softly approach and bent over and taken everything from the media , and it simply is not working , what is the point investing millions/billions to build a club to conquer europe when ten bob paid hacks are taking the piss out of our club at every oportunity.
Why isnt the club protecting their investment ? They do so much good work , build the squad , employ the best manager build the best stadium invest massively in the surrounding area and they just let the media walk all over them and dismantle all the good work every single day with bare faced lies , its in black & white its fucking libel.
Make an example of one of them , and if it doesnt stop , get the next one in court , we brag about a hundered lawyers lets get them busy and earning their money , get the c*nts in court , any retribution cannot be any worse than the current situation.
Top post.
City can’t act like the rags, so there is no point knocking the club for it.

1. United have more power over the media due to their achievements and commercial power generated over 20 years and fergie. City are still relatively new on the scene, still new money.

2. Journalists careers can and will be stopped if they go after the golden goose too much, same with the dips.

3. American owned club will always get a pass for this type of behaviour. City will not with the human rights issues in the Middle East.

Apart from the fans having to deal with and listen to the constant negativity, I do believe that Khaldoon does not care. The journey city have been on is testament to this view. No amount of shit thrown by the press or any other club has impacted our performances on the field nor our growth off it.

20 years from now if we keep going it will be different. Or maybe not as negative city sells bucketloads.

All I am saying is that it’s unfortunately not an approach we can take. The custodians have decided to play the long game and so far you can’t argue with results.

Fuck the rags and the media cunts who lick their leaky ballbag -:)

Carry on City!
I do think Khaldoon does care though. He sounds quite passionate about it in his responses on the subject. Also potential financial losses due to all the negativity, only shirt sales and new supporters I suppose. But also Khaldoons relationship with Pep, Pep doesn't want all this I think.
The criminalisation of the club by the UK media is hitting new heights.
I'm not sure what the club think the advantage is anymore to being compliant and non-combative.
Things have reached a stage whereby we are automatically considered guilty and at fault in ANY slightly controversial situation.
The public have been groomed to believe we are completely corrupted.
It is time the club fought back and banned the media agents of biased news reports. We are in unchartered territory here.
Never has a football club been so vilified to this extent, and with public opinion so acquiesced to msm comment pieces, the pl can easily kangaroo us out of the league with zero evidence and zero public sympathy.
Something has to break. The club must fight back.
Even banning the sports reporters now wouldn't bring any additional negative press because the news is saturated with it anyway.
When we are shotgunned out of the league, and as the board resign en masse, they would do well to reflect on how, over the last decade, they brought an inflatable banana to a fecking RPG fight.
Part of me is more annoyed with the club than the media hacks. They have allowed the institution I love to be dragged into the mire with little more than a shrug of the shoulders.
By fuck, they had better have a smoking gun in this pl court case, and then machine gun the fuckers in the media afterwards, in a 'night of the long knives' manoeuvre!!!!
Brilliant post!
Fair enough.

I don’t remember BBC Sport sending a journalist on City’s, FA Cup winners, PL winners, CL winners, and Treble winners, arguably the best and most succes football team in the world at present, and the club with the biggest growing fan base of any football club in the world, pre season tour. If we’re discussing generating clicks and viewers, why didn’t BBC Sport, based in Gtr Manchester, cover City’s pre-season tour? As far I’m aware the BBC don’t have a specific reporter who covers any other PL club bar United. Hmmm.

Like i said I agree. They should cover the current champions more.

But they're currently in cost cutting mode and have to show the government they're worth the budget. Unfortunately the rag fans around the world bring in more clicks currently.

Its also why most of the tabloid media focuses on them - clicks. It will change though when we overtake them in that regard.
Like i said I agree. They should cover the current champions more.

But they're currently in cost cutting mode and have to show the government they're worth the budget. Unfortunately the rag fans around the world bring in more clicks currently.

Its also why most of the tabloid media focuses on them - clicks. It will change though when we overtake them in that regard.

They haven’t tried to cover us fairly to see if we can possibly generate more clicks.
They haven’t tried to cover us fairly to see if we can possibly generate more clicks.

No fans think their team is covered fairly.

If u read other fans forums they think City are the media darlings and the charges have hardly been mentioned.

If City have problems with unfair coverage they ring and deal with it - journalists have said as much on twitter.

There are some who have a grudge against us but they're a tiny minority and are left throwing tiny stones at a juggernaut.

In any case, tbh I dont care what the papers and other sports media say. They are ceasing to matter as more kids turn to youtube and tiktok and City do very well for coverage there.

We're treble winners and any criticism or praise matters little.
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