Just reading back over the BBC's live coverage of our game. For our second goal, which I think most people would see was a nice cross field ball, good control by savinho, who then dribbles past his marker and crosses perfectly to Haaland to score:
Keown calls the build up incredible and a perfect pass.
Simon Stone however says their keeper gifted it to us. Yep, Areola is to blame for not cutting out Foden's 40 yard ball to Savinho, and for letting him put the ball one side of the full back whilst he ran past him on the other, before abysmally failing to cut out the cross to Haaland by not getting tight.
I'd say try and keep your bias out of your BBC role please Simon, but we all know it's years too late for that. Wasn't it this joker who went on tour to America to follow united, all expenses paid, and even got a gift of a watch from the club, or am I thinking of another journo cronie of slurgie's?