Tried to post this in another thread but deleted so I will post in it's own thread. This is my opinion and not related to anything recent. Let's have a grown up discussion about free speech and free press issues, relevance is the current inquiry that's going on regarding phone hacking. The media always seems to get a bad rap from all sides.
I absolutely and fundamentally disagree with anyone wanting a Privacy Law! In a democratic free society you NEED a free press and all that entails. Sometimes you can hate what they do but without them it's the ordinary person that suffers.
Privacy Law protects the rich, famous, powerful, elites (overwhelmingly men), free speech and free press laws protects the masses. It's an ancient right of ours and something generations before us have fought and died for we should NEVER give that up. Even in the face of terrible press behaviour I will always support a free press because the alternative is much worse. When the top of society think they can do what they want without fear of the public finding out, we the people suffer.
Some truely shocking, sickening scandals have been uncovered and injustices rectified that would not have been if we had privacy law. Ranging from the sickening institutional abuse of children etc to things like MP's expenses scandal and many other things through the ages. I am not willing to sacrifice the free press so that people like Hugh Grant, Max Mosley and Steve Coogan etc can indulge themselves sometimes in law breaking behaviour without fear of it being exposed.