Media Thread 2017/18

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Ha, thanks for clarifying her comments were incorrect, but she then seems to suggest her comments are also based on her overall views and what she hears from other ‘journalists’.

The football City are playing so far this season really is exceptional and has not been seen as far as I can remember in English football, it really is stunning at times.

Any other team than City and the manager would be being praised endlessly but they want to pick at Pep for absolute nonsense and make up non existent slights, and then attach themselves to so called ‘gentlemen’ of the game like ‘Poch’ as she states on several occasions, ignoring the fact he clearly stated his team are not interested in the competition.

I really find it amazingly pathetic and just baffling how to suit their agenda/bias they will make up any old bollocks and attach themselves to odious characters like Mourinho or to managers like Pochettino as he is the manager of the team which at this time could challenge City for the title, and as such they will push their allegiance to him and state anything from him as positive, as said I personally find it utterly pathetic.
If you have been on twitter please note I’m not the user that was awkwardly polite to her.

I wasn’t offensive but I disagreed with her comments regarding gentleman Poch.
It's difficult to see how someone like Jacqui Oatley can get work with national broadcasters when she has been making snide personal comments about a club manager based on her own personal prejudices. I don't know her background (ie whether she is a trained journalist) but her credibilty (if she had any) is destroyed by this sort of behaviour. She has to restrict her public comments to sporting issues if she wants to work as a broadcaster.
It's difficult to see how someone like Jacqui Oatley can get work with national broadcasters when she has been making snide personal comments about a club manager based on her own personal prejudices. I don't know her background (ie whether she is a trained journalist) but her credibilty (if she had any) is destroyed by this sort of behaviour. She has to restrict her public comments to sporting issues if she wants to work as a broadcaster.

no she doesn't. she's a woman, virtually untouchable in a male dominated profession
It's difficult to see how someone like Jacqui Oatley can get work with national broadcasters when she has been making snide personal comments about a club manager based on her own personal prejudices. I don't know her background (ie whether she is a trained journalist) but her credibilty (if she had any) is destroyed by this sort of behaviour. She has to restrict her public comments to sporting issues if she wants to work as a broadcaster.

Does she still get work with national broadcasters? Seemed to on the up about 10 years ago, but no one liked her? Haven't seen her since.
Does she still get work with national broadcasters? Seemed to on the up about 10 years ago, but no one liked her? Haven't seen her since.
Fair comment. I have only ever heard her on the BBC. I think she does a lot of women's football. Either way the comments she has made will damage her career. Being impartial is one thing but to slag off Pep for his character is another. You can't do it and even some of the senior clowns at the BBC will not take a risk with such a loose cannon. The perils of social media again.
It's difficult to see how someone like Jacqui Oatley can get work with national broadcasters when she has been making snide personal comments about a club manager based on her own personal prejudices. I don't know her background (ie whether she is a trained journalist) but her credibilty (if she had any) is destroyed by this sort of behaviour. She has to restrict her public comments to sporting issues if she wants to work as a broadcaster.
Didn't she get some games to commentate on but got that high and screechy that nobody could actually hear her?
She swerved that question....

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