Media Thread 2017/18

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Sly Sports News this Morning.

Full report on Matic to United. Jose being interviewed. Clips of him playing. Etc. Fair enough, the transfer is nearly done.

Then on to Sanchez.

Due back in training. Clips of him and Wenger together. Then, 'Sky Sports understand PSG are to make an offer for Sanchez in the region of £35mill'.(not the exact wording)

Jrb waits for City to be mentioned next.



Next report. Ah?!

So there you have it.

Either Sly Sports News are the only Sports related media company who don't know City and Sanchez are linked. That City is Sanchez's prefered club/destination. Etc. Or Sly Sports are purposley ingnoring the City/Sanchez link because....? (as not to anger Arsenal or for another reason?) Feel free, anyone.

So can those of you who think their is no bias or agenda against City, please explain why City weren't mentioned in that Sanchez Sky Sports News report, but only PSG were?
I watched that too fella.. and like you I waited,and waited and Just like Diana Ross...............I'm still waiting Oh oh Oh ooho.
Pep Guardiola has spent over £200M this summer already.......

Whats that got to do with this supposed story?

Had a look at the author's previous Express articles - 90% united, largely positive - a few city, largely negative (amount spent etc)
SSN then show summer transfers so far....Lukaku to rags and show a clip of him scoring.....of all the goal they could have showed low and behold it's against us!
Wedderburn is powerless against the rags backstage! Just saying!

Just keeps collecting the pay cheque - good old Mike. Once the season starts and the results start rolling in, he'll be getting a few little digs and smiles in the morning after their defeats, no doubt. Great broadcaster - city should employ him as the lead anchor on this new city tv channel we're putting together.
Or maybe I was imagining that.
Exactly. When Moyes was first appointed the fawning was almost Olympian in its scope. We had puff pieces on Moyes the 'ambassador' sat behind a large mahogany desk in his club crested blazer, Moyes the master tactician pointing and waving in his technical box, Moyes the deep thinker in front of a blackboard, Moyes the hands on coach in his tracksuit, Moyes the natural successor, smiling away with Taggart, it was non-stop. My favourite of all though, and a perfect example of what we're talking about here, was during one of many periods when emphasising City's wealth and vulgarity for the benefit of 654 million armchair rags was top of the Mail's tree, and it took to sending reporters along to Manchester Airport to try and zoom lens the luggage of City players travelling off to European games. It struck gold with Jesus Navas, who had his case open at check-in searching for his passport, and gleefully itemised the cost of everything therein in a "look how wealthy and out of touch these people are" special. Aware that it had perhaps overstepped the mark with this in terms of both invasion of privacy and specific targeting of City, it then ran an ostensibly identical tale a week later, only this time the focus was on the rags and the open suitcase belonged to Moyes. Surprise, surprise, the only item visible was a strategically placed copy of Taggart's autobiography, with the sneering tone replaced with a nauseating "master and apprentice" narrative! Cockroaches.

It seems to be be the type of thing where the tame media know their place with Utd, and toe the line until released for the kill.
I see James Fucker has been briefed by the Rags rep in UEFA, Crooks will never prosper. I dare you to challenge the good Sheikh this time you corrupt twats!
Sly Sports News this Morning.

Full report on Matic to United. Jose being interviewed. Clips of him playing. Etc. Fair enough, the transfer is nearly done.

Then on to Sanchez.

Due back in training. Clips of him and Wenger together. Then, 'Sky Sports understand PSG are to make an offer for Sanchez in the region of £35mill'.(not the exact wording)

Jrb waits for City to be mentioned next.



Next report. Ah?!

So there you have it.

Either Sly Sports News are the only Sports related media company who don't know City and Sanchez are linked. That City is Sanchez's prefered club/destination. Etc. Or Sly Sports are purposley ingnoring the City/Sanchez link because....? (as not to anger Arsenal or for another reason?) Feel free, anyone.

So can those of you who think their is no bias or agenda against City, please explain why City weren't mentioned in that Sanchez Sky Sports News report, but only PSG were?

If anyone doubts Rag or Dippers media bias, this story and the the one of VVD prove it beyond doubt.
Matic, we are told, wants to join the Rags – brilliant, he should join them immediately and Chelsea should be honoured to let him go.... Sanchez to us - if they don't ignore it completely, they make us out to be complete twats!
Similarly, Van Dyke refusing to play for Southampton because he seemingly wants to go to the Dippers is treated in a positive light, yet when Raheem did similar he was a money grabbing snake apparently!
It's a forum

It's a CITY forum

That CITY fans wish to have the opportunity to discuss with other CITY fans what they consider to be bias against their club because, as homerdog observes:

"...most of us will defend our club to the hilt, because we are so passionate about them...."

should not be a surprise to anyone

That you are on a non-stop campaign to deny these CITY fans from discussing with other CITY fans something that they are passionate about clearly, IMO, speaks volumes about your view of the world.

Just what sense of satisfaction do you actually achieve from stopping CITY fans conversing with other CITY fans about a subject they are passionate about on a thread specifically created to enable that conversation on the main CITY forum?

IMO, you are simply a thread vandal that behaves in a supercilious manner, seemingly to feed his own selfish needs which he places above the interests of others.

No one has stopped anyone from discussing the alleged media bias in fact I welcome the debate and enjoy other peoples opinions.

This was explained to you by other posters last week such as bluemoonmatt etc who ended up giving up with you because you were unable to grasp the concept that on a forum people will have different opinions and post accordingly. That is not stopping peoples opinions but discussing them which is the whole point of a forum.

In fact although I post on this thread the media bias belief manifests itself onto numerous threads. Is that a problem? Or other threads being being vandalised? Or people who believe in agenda on a non-stop campaign to force their opinion on others?

Not to me as it is what people wish to discuss. I can accept a different view to mine why are you incapable of doing likewise? Its a forum so stop moaning like a baby and enjoy the discussion.
Because the City link isn't news - it has existed but not really changed all summer (no bids, no declaration of intent, no transfer request, etc.). The PSG bid reports are news.


Of course it's news. Any transfer story is news. PSG's stance is the same as ours. They haven't made a bid. Yet Sly Sports continue to go with the PSG and Sanchez story. Sanchez wants to join City and Pep. He would be here today if Arsenal would allow the transfer. Yet Sly Sports can't or don't want to report that, or go with that story. Why?

But you are ignoring the glaring obvious. City have been linked to Sanchez more than any other club. Everyone knows it. Even Sly Sports do. They are based in London. No doubt many of their staff support Arsenal. You'd have to live in a cave on an island not to know about it. Yet the *UK's premier sports news channel*(ha!) refuses to mention it and refuses to acknowledge it on their programme.

Put it this way, if it was United instead of City who wanted Sanchez, how often would that be headline news on Sly Sports? Just cast your mind back to Van Persie's move to United.

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If anyone doubts Rag or Dippers media bias, this story and the the one of VVD prove it beyond doubt.
Matic, we are told, wants to join the Rags – brilliant, he should join them immediately and Chelsea should be honoured to let him go.... Sanchez to us - if they don't ignore it completely, they make us out to be complete twats!
Similarly, Van Dyke refusing to play for Southampton because he seemingly wants to go to the Dippers is treated in a positive light, yet when Raheem did similar he was a money grabbing snake apparently!


And when Matic signs for United, how much have United and Jose spent this Summer? At a guess as much as City. Stand corrected as I don't have the exact figures at hand.

When Matic signs for United I'm going to wait for the howls of anger, derision and contempt of United for ruining football with their disgusting transfer spending.

I won't hold my breath. Never going to happen. It will be another master class by Jose. Bringing in one if his ex-players who is a winner and is perfect for United in every way. Blah, blah, f***ing blah!
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