Media Thread 2020/21

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From the Express today “...”Aguero will face no action for grabbing at the shoulder of assistant referee”...
The description of what was clearly a conciliatory action of a gentle tap of the shoulder as “grabbing” demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt what a pile of utter drivel football “journalism“ has become.
They haven’t the integrity or intelligence to realise that medium/long term they are committing professional suicide.
If ever you read about any subject (be it football or anything else) that you know about in depth you realise what utterly superficial and distorted rubbish now passes for reportage in the MSM.
As for the coverage of Liverpool well let it continue as it alienates all but the most blinkered dipper fans. City are right not to comment on this continuing stream of inaccurate, lazy distorted tripe
Now on Sky sports Let's go live to Liverpool University Hospital where Fans are gathering outside as the bestest player ever ever ever big Virgil undergoes surgery.
All I can take from this weekends media is :

1. VAR was perfect last year but is utter rubbish and unfair now a decision has gone against Liverpool.

2. Laporte statistically comes out on top of VVD and was cheaper - but don’t let that cloud your judgment VVD is four times the player and Liverpool should be given a two goal head start in every game to counter the loss.

3. The police should be brought in to make enquiries on the vicious and vile assault by Sergio on that lineswoman.

Almost like there was advertising revenue hanging off the back of people reading this fiction...........

Oh yes and let’s not forget, project ‘f*ck the rest of football I want all the money’ was a charitable donation scheme set up by two clubs to assure dirty arabs don’t ruin in the game
It would be fun if they did charge Aguero.

Citys entire defence would just be a several hour long video of players touching the referee or assistants without any action.
It would be fun if they did charge Aguero.

Citys entire defence would just be a several hour long video of players touching the referee or assistants without any action.
I was told that Kane had touched the ref yesterday. I couldn't find anything about that but it did bring up a pic of England's golden boy arguing with a ref and with his hand on the ref's hand or possibly vice versa. Either way l do not recall any campaign against him at the time. Players do it all the time.
From the Express today “...”Aguero will face no action for grabbing at the shoulder of assistant referee”...
The description of what was clearly a conciliatory action of a gentle tap of the shoulder as “grabbing” demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt what a pile of utter drivel football “journalism“ has become.
They haven’t the integrity or intelligence to realise that medium/long term they are committing professional suicide.
If ever you read about any subject (be it football or anything else) that you know about in depth you realise what utterly superficial and distorted rubbish now passes for reportage in the MSM.
As for the coverage of Liverpool well let it continue as it alienates all but the most blinkered dipper fans. City are right not to comment on this continuing stream of inaccurate, lazy distorted tripe
Yesterday's word in the Express was 'accosting'.
I can’t speak for her but I know if I was Sian Massey I’d be pissed off that people felt the need to get offended on my behalf
reading the many comments in the Telegraph, it's clear most people don't believe Aguero has anything to apologise for, and that's including a good number of women who were derisive of the lefty woke comments from males who must have wondered over from the Guardian.
Has anyone of them been outraged at the picture of Michael Oliver with his arm around the shoulder of an Everton player on the same day? What was clear is the fact most of the mortally offended have never been to a game in their lives.
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