Media Thread 2020/21

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In other news the Daily Star (yeah I know) are running a feature on the best CL 2nd leg comebacks, willing PSG on basically, I just can’t wait to give the media a big two fingered salute when we win tomorrow
Hope the media manage to convince the rags owners that they should just give it all up and sell it to the fans as soon as possible.
Careful what you wish for will never be more appropriate.
If that were to happen they’d make a new law that every other club had to do the same. That’s what the rags are pushed for it would make them the English Bayern Munich over night. Hmmm funny that isn’t it
British media in full rag propaganda mode today led by Simon ‘Goebbels’ Stone, they are the new suffragettes,tolpuddle martyrs, Peterloo heroes saving the rags from the evil yank imperialists, lets hope they build a statue in Albert Square of some scruffy Ordsall **** in Adidas tracky bottoms and Joe Bloggs sweatshirt, it would only be right and fitting!
Don't forget the JD Sports bag slung over its shoulder.
Journalist on sky sports just said that united can’t be held responsible for the behaviour of their fans so they shouldn’t be sanctioned.

If you don’t condemn it you condone it, and if there aren’t any ramifications then this type of violent, disruptive protest will become common place, especially for clubs whose fans can’t handle not winning
I would hope the doors on my house will take more than a couple of kicks before any scrote could gain access. It seemed too easy to break open and looks like some insider made the ground easily accessible to the rabble.
Cheese man has liked a tweet praising Andy Mittens bile on motd last night
There has been a few off him. Annoyed me too.
Gone down in my estimation has Cheesy.

His over reaction over the proposed ESL and now siding with this lot.

The Rags are only arsed because they aren't top dog, they dont give a shit about anyone else, If they did then the millions of muppets would support their local team instead of latching on to what is perceived as being the biggest and best, Sad Fuckers.
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