I found it funny after City v Villa just how many well paid pundits, ex international and top ex players didnt know the off-side rule.
It shown them up as not being professional by insisting the goal was off side. Even an ex ref who is employed by them didnt know the off-side rule.
If i was top dog in one of those tv companies i would be wanting to know who employed them, why have we employed an ex pro's who dont know the basic off-rule and is making my company look stupid for employing someone like that. I would be going mad if i was sat at home as chairman of bt or whoever and saw the experts that i employ dont know the off-side law, i would fire them, embarrassing.
Football pundits, its more like a group of mates sitting in a pub chatting, easy money. Where is the professionalism, why werent they questioning why a manager and his players dont know the rules ? That should have been the main focus. The fact that City players knew the rule yet City are made out to be the bad guys for playing the game within the rules ! you couldnt make it up.
City players should have been praised by the ex pro's for knowing the rules and Villa mocked for not knowing the rules. But because the pundits dont know the rules either thats all blame City. Mings made a huge mistake because he doesnt know the rules that is embarrassing for a professional footballer.
The fact the ex pro's backed Villa just shows their lack of knowledge on a sport their are well paid to chat about. They didnt know the rules of football , shock , horror. They made themselves look stupid, but never mind they will all be back on tv talking their usual shit again.