This is absolutely right. Even in the MEN, if they were to run two identical stories about a potential transfer for Player A, but with one talking about United as the destination and the other talking about us, the former would get something like 7-10 times more hits as the latter. And the same applies to all papers, particularly the nationals. which are run by their SEO's (Search Engine Optimisation). It's simply comemrcial logic as the more hits you get, the more advertising revenue you get.
Even more so, the SEO's know that a story has has "Manchester United" in the headline as opposed to "Man Utd" will get significantly more hits, whereas it doesn't matter that much for us. And of course a negative story about us will attract both Liverpool & United fans, as the Liverpool Echo clearly knows.
However there is also a clear and deliberate attempt, particularly by the US-owned triumvirate who play in red, to discredit us wherever possible. With the rapprochement between the Saudis/UAE and Qatar, maybe the geo-political element of that will die down in time. This is the second and more insidious element of the negative media we constantly seem to get.