What’s this all about certain clubs wanting to keep control or influence over the premier league and what key decisions get made, the government regulations will see them lose the power they hold very interesting indeed, more interesting that City seem to be the only club backing the regulations from the government..
It is the same thing that always happens when the government goes cartel or monopoly busting. Those that are on the inside scream “this is unnecessary, onerous regulation” and those on the outside support it, as they have very little to lose and quite a bit to gain by a more level playing field.
It is interesting, in this case, given we are by far the dominant force in the Premier League, that we would be among the “outsiders” but one of the few openly supporting the regulation of top level football, rather than self-policing.
That is a fairly unique combination of variables and one of the reasons the cartel clubs—many of them particularly poorly managed during the period of excess and practically free money, which has come to an almighty screeching halt—are trying to, if not stop the regulation, gain some measure of control over the formation and definition of it.
So desperate are they to avoid real scrutiny and accountability, it seems especially when it comes to officiating and financial oversight, they are feigning persecution and government overreach to avoid it.
In some ways it reminds me of the last days of the USSR, when major and minor communist party members alike despairingly scrambled to stave off the inevitable, and/or attempt to cleave off a junk of what remained for themselves before the collapse. So many operating wildly—many others pragmatically—to avoid ruin or worse.
That is the stage I believe the Premier League is in right now. The days of the loosely self-regulated, highly corrupt order are numbered.
Now all that is left is to gain the most favourable position possible as the new order is established in a chaotic transition.
We’re among the leaders of the counterculture that have wanted regulated capitalism for a decade.
And we’re prepared for what is coming.