Media thread 2022/23

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Because he doesn't think they are spending unlimited money.

If the Panamanian sovereign wealth fund and the Norweigian sovereign wealth fund bought Burnley and Fulham respectively and invested a few billion, knocking Liverpool down the table, do you think Klopp would be OK with it?

No, of course he wouldn't. Because he doesn't have anything against people from the Middle East, he has a problem with what he thinks is overinvestment from owners with essentially limitless wealth.

How do we know that's his problem? Because he literaly spent 20 fucking minutes explaining his problem on Friday in the press conference apparently none of you accusing him of xenophobia bothered to watch.

Like I said very clearly in my original comment, lots of criticism of City over the years has had an anti-arab or islamaphobic bent to it, but this categorically didn't and it's completely dishonest to pretend otherwise.

I know tensions are high after yesterday but I can't believe people are seriously arguing that Klopp is prejudiced against Arabs/the Middle East.
If he doesn't like wealthy clubs having money to spend he may fuck off and manage Fulham, Liverpool have spent more than us over the last 5 seasons.
Klopp knows and he is having fun trolling Pep, he does this thing were before a game, he puts out some kind of snide comment disguised as a compliment and he knows Pep would pick on it and get angry. Klopp is as German as they come. He knows he has a fucking forest in his eyes but he would rather talk about the spec of wood in your eye! This behavior really gets under Pep's skin.

Klopp is a hypocrite, he knows it and he is comfortable with who he is. Notice how he has been playing the role of the repentant kid who's willing to accept his punishment?After the game, he went to the media to say he deserved the red card, you think he would have said that if they lost? He knows how to play the media better than Pep and that shit has Pep furious.

Pep needs to take the 2011/2012 Mancini approach. I remember Micah saying there was a media Boycott at the training ground, no one read the papers or talked to the media for a while and thats how Pep needs to play this situation. No media talk in the training ground, no complements for the opposition, no snide remarks either, shitty short pre-match interviews, a complete disregard for the dippers and the media, just treat the fuckers like they don't exist and get on with the game.

Yep, exactly what I said yesterday. Good on Martin for calling them out. Pep has to know by now, there's no need to drop to their level. Stay above the bs.
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