Memories of the Kippax

many memories the ballet on ice when city hammered spurs 4-1 on a frozen pitch
city league champions playing bury in a friendly after winning the league in1968 and big mal coming on as a sub
vivid memory of a derby v the rags about 1970, fighting going off all at the top of the kippax, bottles being thrown hitting the steelwork and showering down with glass.
i was about half way down with my brother, near by a few blokes one of them a red , he told his mates he was going up to the top , about 10 mins later see him walking on the red shale track with a st.johns man head pouring with blood
other great games at night when we went on to win ecwc against schalke and acidemica
went to a semi final replay fulham v brum fulham won 1-0 brum fans went mental that night
watched in awe at kinkys debut v spurs from the new kippax and never seen him give the ball away thought what a signing
went with a mate in mid 70,s he got threw out for SWEARING and got fined at court, never done anything wrong in his life and never since.
miss the smell of smoke, piss and bovril i think not

Running back up the tunnel or the stairs if you'd left early and we had had scored a late goal. I don't know what we thought we'd see when we got there but we always went back!

Worst memory was walking out after being relegated by Luton Town. Bit of a shock to me as we had grown up with City winning trophies galore.
Mid 70's memories..Half bricks flying between us and the dirty Leeds fans..the smell of a piss stained rags scarf being set on fire,clouds of smoke from the ciggies,puddles of piss in the bogs,sounds shite doesn't it? But I loved it!
BlueMoonraker said:
Running back up the tunnel or the stairs if you'd left early and we had had scored a late goal. I don't know what we thought we'd see when we got there but we always went back!

Worst memory was walking out after being relegated by Luton Town. Bit of a shock to me as we had grown up with City winning trophies galore.

City fans singing to the Luton and united fans in their end;
Oh Luton Town,are going down,repeat.Then Antic scored,and the place went quiet with the shock that it was City going down.Think the fans were numb watching the rest of the game,hoping Kinsey the sub would get an equaliser.
bloke who took a gonzo puppet,
making sure you didnt get nads crushed the barriers at the top of the kippax stairs on the way out.
sunderland game when they filled plat lane was brlliant atmosphere especially when the barriers went down to the no mans land between us and them.
Turning my back thinking that quinn will never save a penalty.
always used to love night games kippax always used to look more intmidating
Having the arm ripped off my harrington,when Kevin Reeves scored against Liverpool league cup semi in 1981,ref disallowing it, for we'll never know,
Pandemonium,the 5-1 against Charlton and the the derby,didn't know which way I was facing or if my feet were on the ground,at times.
Talking to two Rangers fans last home game against Cambridge Utd.,who told us all about how they were fulfilling an ambition,to watch City at Maine Road.
They then proceeded to get arseholed on Grunhalle and fall asleep in the sun.
Legging it from the Old Abbey to the same spot every fortnight,and never seeing a kick off for two seasons.
Seeing City fans batter the fuck out of some young chinese kid,and staring open mouthed as my mum rescued him,and gave them a bollocking.
Night matches, rain pouring down, freezin cold as there's 5mins to kick off and you're still on Platt Lane. Catchin a glimpse of the floodlights as you nip down the alleyways then as you get closer the chanting on the Kippax draws you in. Through the turnstiles and its dark again as you head down the left had tunnel kicking empty cans and slipping on half eaten bug burgers. In the distance you can see a bright light and as you get closer the noise increases and the excitement grows. The perfect green pitch appears, the players running out, fighting your way to your usual spot, 'where the fuck have you been' your mates say.Screaming the boys on as clouds of smoke drift down and suddenly you're not cold and wet anymore. 'We're going to do it tonight' as you rub your hands in anticipation.... sometimes we did, sometimes we didn't, but it was home.

Tony Henry curling the winner against them in about 79 and me losing the plot.

Being in line with Hinchcliffe as he powered that header to make it 5 against them... and completely losing the plot.

Best of all, Bell running out for the second half against Newcastle on Boxing Day and we won 4.0. We were the 12th man that day.

Horrible greenhall whitley beer farts.

Piss pouring down the terrace from some lazy beer monster who couldnt make it to the toilet.

Fireworks and bangers being lobbed at away fans.

Toy fighting at half time on the kippax hill.
Kernaghan half way line is what comes to mind when I think of old kippax!

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