Met Police Guilty of Assaulting Autistic, Epileptic Boy

How about

Police officers save autsitic boy from drowning.

An unamed 16 year old boy who had no understanding of the potential dangers of the pool, was approaching the edge as the officers tried to save him from falling in and drowning. The boy was too powerful for them and dragged them in with him. They managed to get him to the shallow end of the pool where he was helped out by lifeguards.

Despite having been at risk of drowning the officers main concern was the boys welfare. Fearing that he might do it again they took a decision to restrain him and prevent him from doing any harm to himself of others around him. The boys condition means that it is very difficult to bring him out a rage once he is in it and it took several officers to restrain him and prevent further harm.

He was taken to the van away from the other children at the pool who were becoming increasingly upset by the incident. There he was given time to calm down with help from the people responsible for him.

Once the boy had calmed down and the officers, who had not been trained to deal with incidents like this, felt he posed no further risk to himself or the public let him go on his way along with his carers.

A social services spokesperson said that they were very grateful that the officers saved the boy from drowning and causing upset to the other children and adults in the pool. She would however be asking that she could meet with the MET to discuss a better way of dealing with such incidents should they occur again in the future. She was concerned that the boy had suffered mild traumatic stress but grateful that he hadn't drowned as he was unable to swim.

The officers were commended for their brave actions and risking injury or harm dealing with an unpredictable violent person especially as they have had no training in this area.
It always amazes me that if you are assaulted by a Copper it takes years
to get to court, but if you are charged with assault against a Copper
you can be up in a matter of days.
Whitworth Park said:
It always amazes me that if you are assaulted by a Copper it takes years
to get to court, but if you are charged with assault against a Copper
you can be up in a matter of days.

Despite the protestations of a few on here;

The court heard it was the first time police in London had been found to have subjected a member of the public to inhuman or degrading treatment, and to disability discrimination.

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