Mexican Rent Boy

Ticket For Schalke said:
samharris said:
Blue Elmo said:
He is a good striker , a poacher who will always score goals . But up against the very best , like last night , he won't show up .

Nail on head.

-- Sun May 29, 2011 11:48 am --

Ticket For Schalke said:
You mean like in the 1/4 against Chelsea, unfortunalty for you lot, not many english clubs will come up against Barcelona.

Us lot ??

You lot, in the shape of you cannot accept a decent player because he's over the road.

-- Sun May 29, 2011 11:51 am --

samharris said:
Blue Elmo said:
He is a good striker , a poacher who will always score goals . But up against the very best , like last night , he won't show up .

Nail on head.

Tell me one player who has showed up against Barca, especially a striker.

He didnt turn up against CITY,Tottenham, Dippers, Arsenal either.
Ticket For Schalke said:
hgblue said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
You lot, in the shape of you cannot accept a decent player because he's over the road.

That's not true is it? Rooney is a top player. Giggs is probably the best player of the Premiership era. The argument is whether the 'goal poacher' type of striker has a place in modern football at the top level. Many think it doesn't and I agree with them. Nothing to do with Hernandez playing at United.

His goals this season show that there is, i think his goals have equalled to nearly 20 points alone, i.e winning goal or equalising goal.

Fair enough, but he may find it a lot tougher next season now that teams know what he's all about. We'll see.
samharris said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
samharris said:
Nail on head.

-- Sun May 29, 2011 11:48 am --

Us lot ??

You lot, in the shape of you cannot accept a decent player because he's over the road.

-- Sun May 29, 2011 11:51 am --

samharris said:
Nail on head.

Tell me one player who has showed up against Barca, especially a striker.

He didnt turn up against CITY,Tottenham, Dippers, Arsenal either.

Did any city players turn up against arsenal, spurs and dippers away?
hgblue said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
hgblue said:
That's not true is it? Rooney is a top player. Giggs is probably the best player of the Premiership era. The argument is whether the 'goal poacher' type of striker has a place in modern football at the top level. Many think it doesn't and I agree with them. Nothing to do with Hernandez playing at United.

His goals this season show that there is, i think his goals have equalled to nearly 20 points alone, i.e winning goal or equalising goal.

Fair enough, but he may find it a lot tougher next season now that teams know what he's all about. We'll see.

Teams showing the man utd fear factor will allow him to score..Barca didnt fear the scum last night which is why they won so convincingly.
Damocles said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
nah they needed their mifielders to stamp their authority on the game, which they never, which in turn didnt allow the forwards to express themselves.

They needed the midfield to stop gifting away possession cheaply. More than a few times, United twatted the ball long, which is just basically passing the ball back to Barca. Valencia bottled it; constantly committing needless fouls and allowing Barca the time to keep their shape. Giggs was ineffective, as was Carrick though most are against Xavi/Iniesta. Nobody even partially dealt with Messi.

Because Hernandez played, it left Rooney as the man dropping back to help the midfield, which left far too big of a gap between their strikers, who couldn't be helped out of the wings because Park/Valencia came narrow.

At times, United had Valencia/Park/Giggs/Carrick/Rooney in the centre of the pitch and they still couldn't dominate the game. The full backs pressed up and stretched the play for Barca, and because Vidic/Ferdinand dropped so very, very deep, they left a space between their midfield/defence that Messi LOVES playing in. I see what they were trying to achieve with this - dominate the bodies in the centre and try to face Messi head on instead of letting them run through. I've always said that the way to beat Barca is to sit deep instead of letting them carve through the defence and open one on one. However, nobody bothered to mark the space between these lines, which means you may as well kick the ball in your own net.

United looked a bit overawed by Barca and they constantly lost their shape in the rugby scrum of midfield. Hernandez didn't look like he was on the pitch, simply because he's one dimensional and couldn't do anything apart from stand around talking to Pique whilst his team got overrun.

Vidic played just a terrific game, one of the best defensive performances I've seen for a while. Rooney played well, but completely lost his rag at the second goal and was ineffective from there. Valencia looked like a child out there. Evra did his best to contain the stallion-like runs of Alves, but couldn't do much as he was pressed so deep and Park was constantly drawn narrow.

Barca aren't invincible, not even close. They do get beaten. However, if you give them the ball and space in midfield, they ARE invincible. Mourinho has it right with Barca - you have to disrupt their game rather than play your own. If Mourinho's defence sat deeper in the CL, and Barca weren't jumping like they were been marked out of 10, they would have done them.

Real Madrid might not win the league next season, but they will beat Barca, presuming they get a ref who isn't a dick. Every time Mou plays Barca, he gets a player sent off, usually to dodgy refereeing.

Good post, until the last paragraph and that last sentence. You sound like Mourinho, always blaming the ref.
Ticket For Schalke said:
samharris said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
You lot, in the shape of you cannot accept a decent player because he's over the road.

-- Sun May 29, 2011 11:51 am --

Tell me one player who has showed up against Barca, especially a striker.

He didnt turn up against CITY,Tottenham, Dippers, Arsenal either.

Did any city players turn up against arsenal, spurs and dippers away?

This thread is about Shitarito..not City players..
To be fair, he had a much bigger impact and postively influenced far more games than Balotelli did for us last season. I wish Mario had some of this lad's mentality and determination to knuckle down after arriving in a new country.
That said, Odemwingwe at West Brom cost a fraction of either of them (£1.5m?) and scored more goals in a considerably worse team, so its not an exact science.
Ticket For Schalke said:
Berbatov isn't there to score goals, i am at a loss. Yers i never made the point for that reason about holding the ball up, it was more of a spontenous point, i'm not in a bad mood, but you bite like a woman.

Hindsight is a great thing, but this board this morning, is a prime example to why we get called bitters, we'd be all cumin in our pants if we even get to the quarters this season.

Nobody is talking about the result last night, why do you keep bringing it up? United did well to get to the Final, but this has nothing to do with anything.

We're interested in the relative merits of Hernandez. And for the record, no, Berbatov isn't there to score goals.

Basically, your entire argument is shite;

Firstly, you've admitted in this thread that you don't really watch Hernandez apart from highlights so your opinion of him is as good as the transfer muppets with their Youtube clips of Belgian midfielders.

Secondly, you keep saying that our opinion is judged because he's a United player, despite many people in this thread praising the talents of some United players, making this automatically bunk

Thirdly, you STILL cannot seem to separate the difference between effectiveness and technical skill. Effectiveness comes and goes; it's entirely based on the trends in football at the time. Technical skill is what carries players through differing trends and allows them to be effective in more than one team/formation/style.

Fourthly, you are judging a poaching striker who spent much of the season coming off the bench on how many points his goals won. EVERY goal he scored won United points, this is what happens when you play players mainly for the last 15 minutes of the game. If we played one of ours for the last third of a game, they'd also have similar stats on points won. He didn't become a regular until about February/March. This fourth point is just useless either way, as it's still talking about effectiveness rather than technique, but whatever.

I do wish that people would stop saying things like "his movement in the box is excellent" like they know what they are talking about, when they're just repeating something they heard on TV. It's become a cliche about him now. His movement in the box is excellent provided that United have the ball at their feet, on the wings. That's a different thing from "movement in the box is excellent". His movement when United don't have the ball is shockingly bad - yesterday he was actually watching Pique and Mascherano walk past him with the ball.
player with alot to prove, hence his enthusiasm ect. bags of pace and a decent finisher but then that narrows it down to most strikers in a top league. not to mention he's completely out of his depth when up against a competent defence and that includes us. 20 goals this season in a team which has perfected the art of getting the ball into the right positions for the best part of 20 years, if dzeko had been up there for them he'd have twice as many, balotelli 3 times. tevez, doesn't even bear thinking about. two seasons time our fluidity and link up will be unrivaled and we'll make their strikeforce of shrek, little peanis, trampman and count spackula look completely shit
Can you not call him a rent boy, thought you were talking about us! :P

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