Micheal Johnson arrested.

dick slexia said:
cleavers said:
I'm an old bastard too, but why should a young footballer not be able to go somewhere that the rest of us can go ? What needs sorting is the type of twat that can't leave a footballer (or any normal person) alone, and finds the need to fight them.

Agree with what you say (apart from calling you an old bastard) but footballers are targetted and sady the twats you mention are always going to be around. Im sure sacrificing nights out in night clubs in exchange for thousands per week salaries is a fair exchange particularly if it saves you getting arrested or splashed across the newspapers.

Or just go to a more upmarket club with a VIP area
oakiecokie said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
Yeah i go quite alot, just a cheap club for of students. So you're probably right :D

Fucking brilliant !!!
Someone let PAUL and PAULINE CALF KNOW asap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its already full of rags. No need to take it upmarket....
Can't say I'm surprised this happened, just that it took this long for his seemingly every night boozing to get him into trouble.
He's helped his reputation with some blues fans by headbutting a dirty red bastard, but done his rep no favours in terms of status as a pro footballer. Obviously the guy has wound him up, and he's reacted with a sweet on the noggin' headbutt.

Poor Rag, bet he didn't think he'd get that at the time did he? Bet he was livin' it up with everyone. Would be typical of them, should have gone in with Bellers :O!
Didsbury Dave said:
Damocles said:
I disagree with everything you've said there.

The Club still want him, and just think that he's been unlucky with injuries. Nobody is concerned about his talent, or his attitude.

MJ hasn't been a dickhead, he has been for a pint for a few mates whilst unable to play football or train and got in the same fight that nearly all of us on here have been in.

Lastly, Johnson is nowhere near fat. There's a famous picture of him that made him look tubby, which is probably explained by the fact that he has to sit on his arse for 10 hours a day under physio's orders at the time of the photo. Besides, he has the metabolism of an infant, he dropped about a stone in a month when he was getting back to fitness.

I don't know this as fact but I was told that steroids had been used for his injury.

Steroids blow your face up fat and it sometimes never recovers.

This explanation seems plausible. I feel sorry for him. Because of his longtime injury he might have been treated with steroids, that will also trigger vicious behavior. If that is the case here, it is kind of sad. It is also typical that steroids strengthen the muscles (too) much, which could have led to the knee ligament injury.
Johnson is unfortunate in that he likes the wrong kind of music - indie. If he liked shite music comprising of black men blinged up to the nines rapping about complete shite or songs by a multitude of female 'artists' all sounding the same and dressed like tarts girating in their videos, then he could go to any number of other clubs which cater for the mass-market and have VIP areas. The problem is, who in their right mind would want to go to such a hell-hole of a place?

Good on Johnno for twatting a red. I bet 90% of blues on here has been involved with a skirmish or two with a pissed up Rag on a night out.

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