Middle East Conflict (merged)

Olmert: “The day will come when the Hilltop Youth who today are murdering Palestinians in the territories, will open fire on us”.
I am not talking about any other issues.
Course you aren't. It must have been somebody else who responded to a clip of a Palestinian woman explaining her daily reality in 2024 by going back 2 decades to justify it.
The point remains that when people mention the wall and check points, they often leave out the reason for setting up these obstacles. Some do this deliberately to make Israel look bad.
Needing a fresh version of the Withnail and I meme here..... "we implemented an apartheid system by mistake"
Some people are often quick to hold Israel accountable but never Hamas.
Very few are interested in the thousands of Palestinians who have lost their jobs working in Israel to feed their families.
Very few are talking about the Palestinians who have lost their homes because of this senseless war started by Hamas on October 7.
Yeah because nobody has been talking about those Palestinian people who have lost their livelihoods......

If you listen to the Palestinians themselves, they are broadly divided into two camps:

1) Those who just want to live in peace side by side with Israel
2) Those who prefer the one state solution established upon the destruction of the state of Israel.
Plenty of people have been sharing stuff from 'Palestinians themselves' for months on end in here. What voices are you basing that on? Don't be shy show us your working out.
Unfortunately, 2 above are the loudest and the most powerful. Hence, this conflict will continue for many generations.
I must add that if Israel were an Arab country, they would have wiped out the Palestinians. Saddam and Assad are prime example.
On second thoughts maybe not ....
My personal view is for both peoples to live in peace side by side.
That's the holistic Manuel I remember fondly. Everybody wants that but you can't ignore the reality forever.

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I've also stayed out of the thread for the same reason and it's hard to disagree with much in this post. This situation is now just about Netanyahu and his grip on power. I very much doubt the West can do much.

I can't understand how some seemingly intelligent left-leaning posters can seemingly have common cause with a fundamentalist Islamic terrorist group, who are homophobic, undemocratic, don't allow freedom of expression or religion, treat women as second-class citizens, and who use the citizens they supposedly represent as human shields.
I actually don't think that Israel views Hamas as a problem at all. The real problem is Iran and its proxies in Syria and the alignment with Russia. That's why US/western support is not going to go anywhere anytime soon. Had that alliance not existed then western support would of been withdrawn long ago.
Unfortunately, this is a fallout of the devastating intifada where many thousands of Israelis were killed by suicide bombings.
Very important to add that context so that people don't think Israel were just being mean.
What provoked the intifada?

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