Middle East Conflict (merged)

The problem you've got is your a one trick pony, much like the politicians on both sides, if you try and empathise with one side only it's hard to take you seriously, you can only see the Israelis acting like cunts, in my view both are.

That's fair and all, you even used a fancy idiom so I will use a not so fancy analogy.

Supposed that your missus said her relatives from Russia are coming to stay for a bit, and out of courtesy because they've gone through hard times, your missus decide to let them have the master bedroom. You get under the stairs. Days turn to months turn to years. Honest straight answer, what would you do?

They've also locked the doors and took the keys off your car.
Getting shot for approaching the border is nothing to do with population density. As I said population density is a red herring apart from the refugee camps that cover about 1% of the area, and that could be solved if they wanted to.

No but it has everything to do with your point about 50 cities. Those cities are places like Kolkata, Manila, Lahore, they do not border other nations but other cities of the same nation. You don't get shot moving from Kokkata to Delhi. The only places that you can compare Gaza to is Singapore and Hong Kong, as what the CIA did, because these are places where the population is limited to its borders. There is a big difference living in a 1x1 yard floor space in a 20x20 yard room, and living in a 1x1 yard box. And Gaza is 47th in the 50th most densely populated cities in the world. On land space, it is the 3rd most densely populated even if you spread the population equally.
Having been to Jerusalem and been to both sides, including Gaza and all of Jerusalem I will tell you now what the problem is here, it is radical jews who were not born in Israel that are so right wing it is untrue.

Both sides are as bad as the other, but Jews born in Israel(mostly) are not as bad as the people who got the call to come home to the israel. These people are the problem.

I attended a talk with a Jewish radio host who essentially finished his talk with “we will not stop until we push them all out”.

That said, the Palestinians who are firing catapults and slings at the Israeli troops are asking to get shot. The sling is a primitivee weapon, but one of those rocks hit you and you are likely dead so of course they are going to fire back.

I went to Hebron and the Israel’s build their houses on top of Palestinians and simply toss their rubbish into the Palestinians. Palestinians responded by covering their houses with mesh netting that is just piled up with everything you would find in a tip.

That said, Jerusalem is one of the most amazing places I have ever been to. If you get the opportunity to, you should visit.

Any tours that go on both sides of the fight are the most obvious and bias things you can ever see and only a simpleton would not see the bias.

This conflict of ideals and ways of life will never, ever end.
That's fair and all, you even used a fancy idiom so I will use a not so fancy analogy.

Supposed that your missus said her relatives from Russia are coming to stay for a bit, and out of courtesy because they've gone through hard times, your missus decide to let them have the master bedroom. You get under the stairs. Days turn to months turn to years. Honest straight answer, what would you do?

They've also locked the doors and took the keys off your car.
I'd brick the cunts and set fire to them, but I'm not a diplomat, if I was I'd talk it though with fair minded people on both sides and find a resolution, not threaten to throw a nation into the sea or kill Palestinian's indiscriminately, the world doesn't need to many doves or hawk's dialogue is the only way, unfortunately if you've got the biggest gun your in the pound seats.
That said, the Palestinians who are firing catapults and slings at the Israeli troops are asking to get shot. The sling is a primitivee weapon, but one of those rocks hit you and you are likely dead so of course they are going to fire back.


Doesn't look like they are very good at it mate. One Israeli Soldier injured during this whole new conflict.

I'm fairly sure you know the casualty figures on the other side.
That's fair and all, you even used a fancy idiom so I will use a not so fancy analogy.

Supposed that your missus said her relatives from Russia are coming to stay for a bit, and out of courtesy because they've gone through hard times, your missus decide to let them have the master bedroom. You get under the stairs. Days turn to months turn to years. Honest straight answer, what would you do?

They've also locked the doors and took the keys off your car.
Hardly a fancy idiom I'm a thick as fuck engineer, I'm not even sure what one is, I've got no love for war this or any other, but as long as it's, he did that, but he did that first, no i didn't so on an so, would have put in Latin but my phone went for and shopping centres, would you agree the movers and shakers on both sides are cunts, I'm happy label them as such.
Sorry that’s a load of waffle. There’s two possibilities. The UN are focussing excessively on Israel because they are anti-Israel or they are focussing excessively on Israel because they expect more from them than they expect from the others. Neither are good reasons and both involve racism, either towards Israel or towards everyone else. I know where my money is.
Anyway all this is a digression from the issue under discussion so I’ll leave it there.

Or, the far more logical third option that they are focusing on Israel because they continue to remain in violation of several international laws, continue to illegally occupy other countries, continue to flout the Geneva convention and continue to commit egregious war crimes. And all of this has been going on for decades with all diplomatic actions blocked by the US.

You have merely regurgitated the right-wing Israeli propaganda that criticism of Israel should be muted because there exists other bad entities and that criticism of Israel is motivated by antisemitism. It’s a garbage argument used to justify sickening behaviour.
Hardly a fancy idiom I'm a thick as fuck engineer, I'm not even sure what one is, I've got no love for war this or any other, but as long as it's, he did that, but he did that first, no i didn't so on an so, would have put in Latin but my phone went for and shopping centres, would you agree the movers and shakers on both sides are cunts, I'm happy label them as such.

There are no two sides. I'm surprised, or should I be, that you've lumped everyone into two sides. There is the IDF with their rifles, there is the Israeli government, there is the Israeli people, there is the feda'ins with their ideologies, there is Palestinians protesting for the right of return.

Hamas and Palestinians are not one entity. The problem with arguments by some here is the stigmatisation of Palestinians wanting to, like you say, 'throw a nation into the sea'. What do they want? To get back to their town, get back to their home, build their house and live the life like they had previously. They care not one iota if Israelis from Russia or Poland rocking on next door to their house. It's not the first time they had Israeli friends in town. Palestine has already pushed for a two-state solution in 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 2000s, and early this year that follows the 1948 borders. Not a border all the way to the sea like you suggested. Israel will still have land of their own.

Palestinians are not asking for the first map. The 1948 borders will give Israel a sizeable portion of the land as per the UN Partition Plan. Anything is better to Palestinians than the fourth and current map.


If not for the protests and resistance, the next map in this sequence might likely just be solid white.
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Doesn't look like they are very good at it mate. One Israeli Soldier injured during this whole new conflict.

I'm fairly sure you know the casualty figures on the other side.

Like I said, they are primitive but deadly. As a former soldier, if I was on guard and someone fired one of them at me, they would be getting a couple of rounds in return.

Glad that’s the only point your simple mind picked up on in my post.
Like I said, they are primitive but deadly. As a former soldier, if I was on guard and someone fired one of them at me, they would be getting a couple of rounds in return.

Glad that’s the only point your simple mind picked up on in my post.
Hard man you

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