On a purely tactical basis it’s a mess you can’t defeat an enemy from the air you have to put boots on the ground, Hezbollah has the upper hand Lebanon is a quite mountainous it’s ideally suited for defence plus they have had years to prepare, going in with silly end games like reshape the Middle East (the Americans tried and it got worse) by force or disarm and dismantle it’s a recipe for bleeding yourself to death, when your enemy says they love death more than life it beholds on you to believe them, so in the end you have to be brave enough to for a settlement, otherwise this cancer will get worse and end up killing both the patients
I know a Palestinian state is not the be all and end all, but it’s a start the Middle East will only be reshaped by peace, freedom and economic prosperity
I think people need to get out of their collective corners on here, see that both sides have legitimate grievances and look for fair and equitable ways to solve them rather than throwing insults etc