Middle East Conflict

Lol. Tying yourself up in knots. Hamas has no citizens as it isn't a state, although it's election to govern one was perhaps a bit of a 'canary in the coal mine' for Israel. Israel do however separate, and set apart people based on racial or ethnic criteria which is apartheid - if we agree that Jews are a race rather than a religious group ( your assertion not mine).
I think history shows there have been quite a few attempts to behave like this and exterminate peoples around the world. Admittedly, Jewish people have endured more than most.
I personally think both the Israelis and the Arab muslim people need to look for ways to diffuse the hatred which sustains groups like hamas and Hezbollah, as well as the genocidal tendancies of the Israeli state. One way may be for them all to concentrate more on the people element than their identity as religious groups, as history is littered with the persecution and 'othering' of people according to their choice of sky fairy.
No knots here. Hamas was elected to govern the people of Gaza in 2007 but you are correct Hamas isn't a state it's a terrorist organisation.
Yep. I mean posting videos of the Hostages own words which were at odds with their Goverment regarding their time in capture is never a good idea.

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Isn’t that how the Israeli government like it? Always first to get their story out, always first to criticise any criticism, their PR dept must be enormous.

During this period many have learnt so much about how Israel operates in the communication and PR space. Personally, I was unaware that they used huge influence by the way of AIPAC, and similar in the UK.
Lock folk up in an open air prison for no reason and shit like that will happen.

Palestinians live under the fear and yolk of Hamas far more than they did Israel until Oct 7th.

Hamas knew who would pay the price for the attack and didn’t care. Easy to then use dead civilians they hide amongst as media capital rather than acting responsibly in the first place so they never would have been in this position.

Commit shit like Oct 7th for no other reason than you want to kill jews and shit happens.
Update on the heroic Irish peacekeepers - looks like israel have set up base there and are trying to use them as human shields, thankfully hezbollah are refusing to fire at the area

For an army that love to use terrorists using humans as an excuse to bomb anyone of Arab persuasion to bits, it's funny they have no problem using Irish peacekeepers as human shields. It almost seems like they are goading hezzbolah into firing on them....

Just another example of Israel - a supposedly democratic nation that should be held to a higher account in the interest of world peace by any sane person - acting like a Terrorist group, breaking international law, and all met with a shrug of the shoulders by it's allies and supporters.
Any insight on why Israel didn't retaliate to Iran?
Have the yanks warned them off or have they shit themselves and didn't fancy a fight against someone who is a bit more of an equal?
Palestinians live under the fear and yolk of Hamas far more than they did Israel until Oct 7th.

Hamas knew who would pay the price for the attack and didn’t care. Easy to then use dead civilians they hide amongst as media capital rather than acting responsibly in the first place so they never would have been in this position.

Commit shit like Oct 7th for no other reason than you want to kill jews and shit happens.

How do the Palistinians become unoccupied?

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