In light of Ireland’s current diplomatic relationship with Israel and our differences of opinion on international law, I’ve found myself delving deeper into the history of of the state of Israel.
I won’t put up the link until I’m finished the whole 1:30:09 of the interview, but I urge you to seek out on YouTube Aaron Bastani’s head to head with Ilan Pappé, an Israeli born Jewish author and journalist and holy land/Palestine historian.
From roughly 14 minutes on is eye opening and instinctively as an Irishman is logical, perhaps anti imperial, but objectively frames the injustice of colonialism and also the political power of religion and religious aims.
Zionism not only explained but its source comes from an unexpected Christian Evangelical origin and exposed as an outdated end of days, return of the messiah bullshit, that is currently putting the world on the brink of world war three.