Might Torres have had an eye opener tonight?

Probably wishing he didn't get injured in the world cup final, he has nothing to win at Liverpool, and if he didn't get that injury he would be playing for Chelsea right now and they would have been guaranteed to piss the league.

I don't claim to be 'itk' but this is one thing I do know would have happened if he hadn't been injured.
hgblue said:
I was thinking the exact same thing as I watched him trudge off the pitch tonight. He must be mulling over whether he's made the right decision in staying there.

He and Gerard have been blagged big time by all the "Chinese Government" takeover bollocks.They've been fed and bought a pile of fairy stories of top quality signings and milk and honey in order to cover the gaping holes in the utter denial of reality gripping Anfield.

Instead they've got Mascherano on his bike, 31 year old Christian Poulson and some bloke who couldn't get in the Rangers first team.Hmm.

Torres and Gerard out=Inferior replacements like Poulson in...rest of dosh to RBS.

Welcome to the real world,chaps.

Now the reality of Joe Cole being physically unable to carry the dippers in the way that Gerard has for the last 6 or so seasons has settled in,and the "Liverpool for the league" deluded pundits like the odious big nosed twat Thompson have gone a little quiet...you just wonder whether there is still time for at least one of the "jewels" to jump ship in this window.I genuinely wouldn't be surprised.
Gerard is effectively an institutionalised Scouser who's head would no doubt explode if forced to leave Merseyside,but the body language and attitude of Torres is completely at odds with his chirpy "I love scousers,me" press releases.

I wouldn't blame either of them for leaving.
It looks to me that Woy is going to do absolutely jack shit with the "SS Liverpool."

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