Mild aggravation outside Wembley

Good job some on here were not at the 81 final against Spurs, the Saturday was a bloodbath but the Thursday was even worse, outnumbered 3to1and repeatedly charged like Rorkes Drift on Wembley way, one of my fingers is still slightly bent from that night
Yeah; I was at the Wigan game, and the behaviour of a section of our support was rotten. If they weren't fighting among themselves, they were stoned/pissed/both. There's some blues out there who won't remember a thing about that day.And the "you can stick your Pellegrini up your arse" chants ringing around the stands. It wasn't just the result that made it a depressing day.

The Wigan game " you can stick your Pellegrini" are you sure you weren't stoned ?
First vid looked to me like gobshite Arsenal fans bouncing about and then shitting themselves when the City fans accepted the challenge and waded into them. I particularly enjoyed the performance of the fat Arsenal fan in the jester had who led from the front, took a couple of punches, retreated as quickly as fat arse would allow but was too much of a fat c**t to throw a punch back. I also enjoyed the City fan in the shorts who came from the back of the shot who obviously got bored with the Arsenal war dance and decided to smack a few of them.

On the second vid, it reminded me a bit of the Utd semi. Good on the City fan who clipped the initial protagonist and unsurprisingly, we saw a hasty retreat when the punches started coming back after the initial assault.

Didn't see any trouble but after the game it felt like it was a heartbeat away. There were definitely a few gobshite Arsenal fans about. I witnessed a bloke probably in his forties and I assume his teenage son giving it out non stop behind the protection of a chainlink fence. I hope that in their case, they had the shit kicked out of them in due course and that they are both currently in an ICU. Apart from that, didn't see any bother of any description and had a top day out ruined by the football.
Heavy D? It looked like the bellend.
Looks like the shithouse backed off when a few City retaliated .

Yeah I'm sure I've seen him on ARSEhole TV on here though. Also he seems the type that would do a runner when he realises he's out of his depth
We had to put up with two blues scrapping behind us up in 538 (made a young kid in front of us cry so his dad took him out early). Was between one bloke vs another bloke and his gobby wife. No idea what started it; although I'd speculate that the first bloke had had enough of the second bloke and his wife moaning constantly and abusing everyone and everything with C U Next Tuesdays.

We also witnessed two younger blues sucker-punch a middle-aged Arsenal fan as we walked out the ground for no apparent reason. My 57-year-old dad stepped in to stop them doing something really stupid (police van was yards away, but they did nothing) and then I had to run back and pull him out in case they decided to swing for him, too. A lad with a white shirt who threw the second punch did so when the man was already down.

I took my girlfriend yesterday, it was her first game (she's from Canada) and after she saw all that I felt pretty ashamed, to be honest. She's watched hockey games where fighting is almost mandatory between players and fans get boozed up to the eyeballs, yet she hadn't seen anything like she saw yesterday. Blue-on-Blue violence and young lads sucker-punching innocent opposition fans: made a shit day even worse!
Vowed I'd not go back again but let my m8 convince me otherwise. Whilst i can contend with all the bag heads and piss pots in the bogs milling about acting billy 10 men, the snide sniping and sucker punching inbreds on the trip back to the tube reminded me of the rag semi. Watched one lad that must have been no older than 12 goad a group of what I'd class as normal blues to such an extent that when they decided to tell him to fuck off as if by magic his much older and bigger associates for want of a better word turned up and set upon them. Obviously a tactic meant to get a rise for that sole purpose. All for defending our own from mouthy gobshite cockney wide boys, but some of these so called blues amaze me.

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