Mirror gets basic facts wrong...........

And we expected what from a journalist?

This is the profession that printed lies about the Hilsborough disaster. This is the profession that printed lies about troop abuses in Iraq. This is the profession that peddles sex scandals and pictures of topless 16/18 year olds on page 3 then fails to see their hypocrisy when they get hysterical about paedophiles (nb that is not a defence of paedophiles mererly a point to show they are no better than paedophile scumbags). This is the profession that wantanly prints lies if they can't get a story. This is the profession that gave us such luminaries as Piers Morgan, Dominc Diamond and Kelvin Mackenzie. This is the profession that gives life and breath to Max Clifford. This is the profession that gave us the earth shattering and vitally newsworthy story of Freddie Starr eating a hamster. This is the profession that hounded the McCann's and gave us lurid headlines about them being the perpetrators of the disappearance of their daughter.

And they have the temerity to talk of respect, integrity and dignity. As a great man once said "physician, heal thyself."

You couldn't make it up.
Here's the link...

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/columnists/holt/2009/12/23/sacking-someone-because-they-ve-fallen-below-a-line-on-a-graph-just-makes-you-a-laughing-stock-115875-21917944/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/columnist ... -21917944/</a>

The Mirror generally has a pro-Liverpool stance in response to their supporters not buying The Sun because of HillsboroughTheir nothern additions,whenever I read them,appear anti-Chelsea.
Oliver Holts attack was expected and avoidable.Cook has made a rod for his own back and not just on this occasion.
awardie said:
so what if the mirror have written some rubbish, it about goes in line with Gary cook rubbish, hes a liar, and knows nothing about football, here for the paycheck, has no football contacts , is nothing more than a merchandiser/marketer, and he is our ceo???? Chief executive officer!!!, that positon is supposed to come with experience and knowledge and in the football world contacts, he has none, has worked at Nike for 12 yrs basically getting merchandise and marketing deals etc for sports stars, thats it ! anyone who pays any notice to anything the man says is misguided, and as for the mirror good luck to them attacking him, they have not liked our club for a long time Darren lewis has been riding on our back for 12 months for stories basiclly because he is clueless aswell and can't come up with anything else! crap paper, crap journos and Gary cook crap aswell they all deserve each other, the sooner cook goes the better, how about all this nonsense he has put on the website, look at my statement etc, i was Not lying etc etc, Cook, yes you were, you were asked did you approach mancini three weeks ago, you said no definately not etc, but you did lets face it we all know and any fan should see through this nonsense, why not just say, results wernt that great we had a chat with mancini keep on our radar for a few weeks if results didnt improve etc, enough said that way you dont look like a fool! but hey presto as usual Cooks finds a way of making us look stupid by having completely different story to a man sat right next to you, and then all the desk stomping etc when you get caught out with your crap pre written statement!!! idiot pure and simple

WOW are you a journalist?
strongbowholic said:
And we expected what from a journalist?

This is the profession that printed lies about the Hilsborough disaster. This is the profession that printed lies about troop abuses in Iraq. This is the profession that peddles sex scandals and pictures of topless 16/18 year olds on page 3 then fails to see their hypocrisy when they get hysterical about paedophiles (nb that is not a defence of paedophiles mererly a point to show they are no better than paedophile scumbags). This is the profession that wantanly prints lies if they can't get a story. This is the profession that gave us such luminaries as Piers Morgan, Dominc Diamond and Kelvin Mackenzie. This is the profession that gives life and breath to Max Clifford. This is the profession that gave us the earth shattering and vitally newsworthy story of Freddie Starr eating a hamster. This is the profession that hounded the McCann's and gave us lurid headlines about them being the perpetrators of the disappearance of their daughter.

And they have the temerity to talk of respect, integrity and dignity. As a great man once said "physician, heal thyself."

You couldn't make it up.

on the front page of todays Mirror it said M unich legend Albert Scanlon dies see page 19,i turned to page 19,fuck all about Albert Scanlon,fuck all about Albert fuckin Scanlon in the whole wank paper for that matter.
whats all that about?

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