Mohamed Salah

The thing is there's disruption in the camp now Mane has left. Salah will be envious and think,"If they want me to stay in this shitehole they better pay me mega bucks." The scousers might think they're something special but almost every famous person that originates from there can't wait to fuck off once they've made a few bob
He doesn’t even live there now.
The thing is there's disruption in the camp now Mane has left. Salah will be envious and think,"If they want me to stay in this shitehole they better pay me mega bucks." The scousers might think they're something special but almost every famous person that originates from there can't wait to fuck off once they've made a few bob
He already lives in Alderley Edge mate
Money shouldn't be an issue but that's why salah won't sign his contact at Liverpool and I bet if we offered sterling the same terms as KDB he would have extended so money clearly is the only reason with these 2.
I think it's about game time for Sterling, not money. If we hadn't signed Grealish last summer I reckon he would've already signed a new deal as he would've been playing a lot more.
I think liverpool havnt half put themselves in a sticky situation now where they are forced to sell him.

If they don’t sell him they will miss out on a £60 million at least and have to pay his wages for a full year only to see him leave on a free.

If they did this then they might aswell of give him the improved contract as it would of worked out more cost effective and would of been able to keep the player

They havnt half backed themselves into a corner now with it!

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