"Money Money Money"

yawn, there all only at city for the money, all our players play for free, all those porsches and ferraris in the players car park were nicked from eastlands by greatful scousers, honest.
It is just another sign that managers of the so called top four are worried. Finacially the only ones who are not worried is Chelsea. The others are financed on top four finish with champions league revenue. If they were not to qualify for one season...down hill from there peeps
it goes with the territory guys..we all know whats coming...

its better to be looked over than overlooked...

thats the deal now blues....dont ya just love it!!!!!!!
Glen Johnson and Fernando Torres for £43 million = Fuck of Rafa you deluded twat.

It's getting boring now.
That would be a nice exercise to study...how one of the 'big' or 'top' 4 cope with a couple of seasons with no chumps league. Would they implode or have the strngth to recover?
Rafa was asked q question, he didnt go on about it. And why would he be jealous, they have masch and xabi,, barry isnt as good as them

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