Most painful minor accident you've had

Kenney_The_Blue said:
Thanx4Knives said:
I stood on a nail when I was a kid. I also fell on a metal fence that had been knocked over and the spike at the top pierced my leg. I didnt realise got up and walked on then my leg felt itchy so I lifted up my trouser leg and could see the tendon's in my leg and fainted! True Story!

that sounds fuckin awful

Wasnt that bad TBH, got 7 or 8 stitches and I was done. I just cant deal with the sight of blood or tendons within my leg!
Drunken bread knife fight with a mate and he carved off one of my knuckles. I vommed in the sink, and carried on drinking the Famous Grouse. Next morning I wondered why my finger felt like the knuckle had been carved off and why there was blood all over my bedroom.
sliced the tip of my thumb clean off on saturday cutting up a piece of chicken. fuck me that was painful.
warpig said:
sliced the tip of my thumb clean off on saturday cutting up a piece of chicken. fuck me that was painful.

You've just reminded me i need to get a whetsone, thanks.
having stitches in cambodia without anaesthetic - the first one you don't know what's coming but the second i knew what was coming! made slightly more complicated by the fact it was being done in a roadside shack without any english speakers around!! I've had more pleasurable experiences!
Got kicked in the nuts when i was 12 by a pikey horse tethered in a field at the bottom of our garden.It was a short cut home from school,it reared,i slipped,it's hoof caught me a beauty.

Testicle swelled up to twice it's size(which obviously is the most massive thing ever) and my mum suggested a tea towel filled with ice.

My dad couldn't stop laughing and calling me 'swell ball'.
was on holiday in florida, was running to collect a ball that had gone out of the pool, didnt see it but there was a screw facing upwards and i managed to stand on it, funny thing was i didnt think it was anywhere near as big as it was, i thought it was a little stone, pulled it straight out to see blood everywhere and some monster screw in my hand :S the american hossy was nice tho, got to play fifa whilst waiting on ps2 :)
btw the screw was off the little things off the bottom of a sunbed to stop it from scratching the floor, unfortunately it did more than that to me :S left me out of the pool for 4 days and then i had to do nowt when i got home for 4 weeks
Making bottles up for the baby.

Just out of the bath (so naked) sterilising them with boiled water and i just mistimed the kettle pour and a bottle span and fell.

High pitched screams followed along with a very, very sore cock for weeks.

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