I used to be citykev28. I was a big thing on this forum until a few years ago. Then, and I'm ashamed to admit this, I got too big for my boots. I started to slag people off, I called Drone a flat headed gimp, Bacon? He became Barry Manilows bigger nosed older brother, I called Ric out when he got his second yacht and I called BMR a stupid ****. On many occasions.
Sure, some posters stuck with me, the original BimboBob was a gent, but it wasn't enough. I got banned. I was stupid. A stupid funny haired East Coast dwelling fuckwit with as much personality as a leaf.
I took my ban. Then got Bimbo banned so I could nick his username as I always thought he was the coolest user on here.
And now people love me. I am a forum God. Ric invites me to his boat parties. I've been physically in the mod room.
Life is great.