most powerful photos ever taken

ColinBellsjockstrap said:
blue underpants said:
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
Australian POW about to be beheaded by Japanese soldier in WW2

Is it an Australian or one of the American flyers shot down and captured after the Doolittle raid?
I have seen this photo in many places and it has different interpretations to who it is

I read a book once in my local library, which is where I first saw the picture, and the image has stuck with me over twenty years. The caption in the book said he was Australian, that's all I know.

There is no way of dating the picture though, the Doolittle raid took place in 1942..

Interesting documentaries here:-


Yes its very hard to date a lot of Japanese stuff, my Dad had photos of Japanese soldiers/police executing people by sword in Hong Kong in 1946 when the British used the Japanese as police due to a manpower shortage
If he had not written ''Hong Kong 1946'' on the back of the photos it could have been anytime from 1934-1950 when the Japanese were active in China
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
blue underpants said:
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
Australian POW about to be beheaded by Japanese soldier in WW2

Is it an Australian or one of the American flyers shot down and captured after the Doolittle raid?
I have seen this photo in many places and it has different interpretations to who it is

I read a book once in my local library, which is where I first saw the picture, and the image has stuck with me over twenty years. The caption in the book said he was Australian, that's all I know.

There is no way of dating the picture though, the Doolittle raid took place in 1942..

Interesting documentaries here:-


Done a bit of digging, the executed Americans were shot so as you say looks like an Aussie, must'v been a shit book i read lol, my apologies
Taximania said:
dazdon said:

That looks like the worst stag do ever!

Effeminate pussies of the highest order
Inbred neanderthal six fingered dingles with no sense of morality with no sense of honour and no code of chivalry

Again woman with no honour or courage
Cowardly small bald men in ladies frocks

And you can shove your Hitachi tellies and Toyotas up your anal retentive backsides
Hope you enjoyed your firework display

Bet you wouldn't have said that to their faces :D
1.618034 said:

Fantastic pic of Vinny at full time after the derby.
Taximania said:
Bilboblue said:
Taximania said:
Effeminate pussies of the highest order
Inbred neanderthal six fingered dingles with no sense of morality with no sense of honour and no code of chivalry

Again woman with no honour or courage
Cowardly small bald men in ladies frocks

And you can shove your Hitachi tellies and Toyotas up your anal retentive backsides
Hope you enjoyed your firework display

Bet you wouldn't have said that to their faces :D

You think so bilbo you think so
Samaria are woman in frocks
Nothing more nothing les
They are certainly not men

Are you residing in your effeminate frocks you non male fookers ?
I have traveled the world and I have to say the most effeminate people I have ever met are the Japanese
They resemble women
I have never ever seen such lesbian men in skirts in all my days

Again I hope you enjoyed the firework display we put o for you in .... .... .. i cant even remember were it was its that insignificant but it was certainly colouirful
You are a nation of tramps and prostitutes

All the best Taxi:

I have had more kickings in my life for spouting of than I care not to display

I would have approached each and every one of the Japanese scum balls in dresses and said the same
And if you support our club then fook of I dont want you !
You are not wanted you transvestite frock wearing miscreants

Maybe not in bluemoons but certainly in my opinion the japenise are the dregs and scum of humanity
A hundred Adolf Hitlers rolled into one
Evil evil beyond believe !

I would not put a jap to the sword as the sword is for men
I wouls however drown them all at birth as they are not fit to breath oxeygen

So not too keen then.

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