Most shocking online videos

I watched the hammer one after a guy in my Uni sent me the link through e-mail, didn't know what it was about. To be fair, i should have researched before watching but alas, i didn't.

I lasted a maximum of 30 seconds before feeling physically sick.. I didn't feel sick because of any blood but the actual thought that a human being could do something like this to another with the force that's used. There comes a point where material is just too 'real' for my liking. As i haven't watched the full thing i can't comment in anything that happens after the first 30 seconds but in a way i'm glad i saw some because its a reminder that there are some fucked up folk out there and the world is a messed up place sometimes.

Too horrific to watch anymore or any of it again.
SWP's back said:
CTID1988 said:
allan harper said:
Curiosity is not worth it mate.

this. if i could unwatch it i would

same here, and the 6 beheadings one

Just watched it. Wish I hadn't.

I was curious about the 3 men 1 hammer, have looked for links but can't get one anywhere (only seem to be 'reaction' vids of it on line) but to be honest after just watching those sick twats behead the Russian soldiers I'm glad I can't find it.

How the hell can anyone do that? I don't know how fucked up in the head you've got to be to be able to physically hack away at another persons throat. But the thing that really gets me is all the other cunts stood there watching it happen and someone filming it!
i have a nightmare now and again about being kidnapped in town by some al qaeda wannabes, taken to a garage somewhere and paraded on the news for a while. The uproar would be huge because this is actually happening in england, then on live tv i get the shortest back and sides ive ever had. Head lopped off with a kitchen knife.
And i think its all down to seeing one of these videos. Fucking horrible. Imagine whats going through your head when the knife first presses on your neck, it makes me sick thinking about it
Alanm1980 said:
I tend to stay away from these type of videos after seeing a vhs called Executions in the late 90's, I still clearly remember some of the clips on that video and don't want to add to it.

I stumbled across that somehow of some friend. Watched about 5 minutes and turned it off thank god. Didn't need to see anymore.
irlamblue70 said:
SWP's back said:
CTID1988 said:
this. if i could unwatch it i would

same here, and the 6 beheadings one

Just watched it. Wish I hadn't.

I was curious about the 3 men 1 hammer, have looked for links but can't get one anywhere (only seem to be 'reaction' vids of it on line) but to be honest after just watching those sick twats behead the Russian soldiers I'm glad I can't find it.

How the hell can anyone do that? I don't know how fucked up in the head you've got to be to be able to physically hack away at another persons throat. But the thing that really gets me is all the other cunts stood there watching it happen and someone filming it!

Presume you've tried liveleak? that's where I first watched it. Can't remember if it was in that one or another one where they put the screwdriver into their eyes and twist it, fucking grim.

The worst I've watched was a beheading where the knife was blunt and you could hear this horrible kind of muffled gargling scream where his lneck had been severed and blood had gone down the trachea. Another bad one was one in Iraq (I think ) where a man got his dick chopped of with a butchers knife with loads of people around. I'm sure any man can appreciate just how much of a grimace that brings. Then there was a close up of the severed dick on the floor and then the mans groin area, brutal is not a strong enough word.
Got a link for 3 guys 1 hammer if anyone wants it pm'd to them?

I'd also like to add i am not forcing anyone to watch this, and i am not liable in any form if anyone is sick. ;)
Mods, how you run the site is beyond criticism (love bm), but I'm puzzled as to why this thread be allowed and yet the lasses one was pulled.

Anyone going into the lasses one at work is being a bit silly IMO - just stay out of that thread at work). I can stay out of this thread too but it makes me shiver to think that people are being educated on "shocking" videos via BM. The dirty thread is nearly as bad but at least they are first/second hand stories.

Just my opinion. Feel free to ignore or object. I'm just going to avoid the thread anyway. :-) maybe day dream about the long lost lasses.
TonyM said:
Mods, how you run the site is beyond criticism (love bm), but I'm puzzled as to why this thread be allowed and yet the lasses one was pulled.

Anyone going into the lasses one at work is being a bit silly IMO - just stay out of that thread at work). I can stay out of this thread too but it makes me shiver to think that people are being educated on "shocking" videos via BM. The dirty thread is nearly as bad but at least they are first/second hand stories.

Just my opinion. Feel free to ignore or object. I'm just going to avoid the thread anyway. :-) maybe day dream about the long lost lasses.

I take it it was you that got our dirty thread pulled then.

Yeah cheers for that.

Just don't read them then!
Balotelli the Bison said:
irlamblue70 said:
SWP's back said:
same here, and the 6 beheadings one

Just watched it. Wish I hadn't.

I was curious about the 3 men 1 hammer, have looked for links but can't get one anywhere (only seem to be 'reaction' vids of it on line) but to be honest after just watching those sick twats behead the Russian soldiers I'm glad I can't find it.

How the hell can anyone do that? I don't know how fucked up in the head you've got to be to be able to physically hack away at another persons throat. But the thing that really gets me is all the other cunts stood there watching it happen and someone filming it!

Presume you've tried liveleak? that's where I first watched it. Can't remember if it was in that one or another one where they put the screwdriver into their eyes and twist it, fucking grim.

The worst I've watched was a beheading where the knife was blunt and you could hear this horrible kind of muffled gargling scream where his lneck had been severed and blood had gone down the trachea. Another bad one was one in Iraq (I think ) where a man got his dick chopped of with a butchers knife with loads of people around. I'm sure any man can appreciate just how much of a grimace that brings. Then there was a close up of the severed dick on the floor and then the mans groin area, brutal is not a strong enough word.

Yeh, was liveleak where I saw it but it didn't show the screwdriver in the eyes, thank fuck! I think that may have totally thrown me over the edge. What I saw was bad enough.

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