Most unfortunate names

After reading these my mind has gone to my current problem, my wife is 1 week off giving birth to my second son and we both like the name Leon, trouble is my surname is Bridge and i'm worried he'll sound like some Cornish village or something like that! am i being unduly worried as the name Leon can make a lot of surname's sound like this or should we change it?
charliebigspuds said:
After reading these my mind has gone to my current problem, my wife is 1 week off giving birth to my second son and we both like the name Leon, trouble is my surname is Bridge and i'm worried he'll sound like some Cornish village or something like that! am i being unduly worried as the name Leon can make a lot of surname's sound like this or should we change it?

How about Rusty????.................;-)
charliebigspuds said:
After reading these my mind has gone to my current problem, my wife is 1 week off giving birth to my second son and we both like the name Leon, trouble is my surname is Bridge and i'm worried he'll sound like some Cornish village or something like that! am i being unduly worried as the name Leon can make a lot of surname's sound like this or should we change it?

Leon Bridge, sounds ok to me
blumoon said:
charliebigspuds said:
After reading these my mind has gone to my current problem, my wife is 1 week off giving birth to my second son and we both like the name Leon, trouble is my surname is Bridge and i'm worried he'll sound like some Cornish village or something like that! am i being unduly worried as the name Leon can make a lot of surname's sound like this or should we change it?

How about Rusty????.................;-)
yeah, yeah, yeah ,very good, i dont want any pun's like Swing, Hump Back, Railway, or any other ones ive been nicknamed throughout my life!

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