And the Post Office as they ignored the postmasters who claimed there were faults in the Horizon software.
Watched the first episode last night and the PO status as cunts of the highest order was shown quite clearly. - I didn't really learn anything new as I saw a documentary about it around 12-18 months ago.
Not all convicted postmasters have been cleared and while some compo has ben paid the figures seem quite low compared to the losses incurred. The PO doesn't have the money to pay any more and the government doesn't seem interested in making a contribution, probably because the postmasters weren't party donors.
Meanwhile, Paula Vennells, former PO head honcho during some of the scandal still has her CBE and collected £400,000 in pay and bonuses during her final year. The only good news is that she's now seen as toxic and has resigned from a couple of other high paying positions.