my 2 cents

IMO I think Mancini has been told we spent £150 million in one window and have a good enough squad to finish fourth. If you do that you get a 3 year deal and all the cash you need to push for title in the summer.

What is the point of spending loads of cash then changing the manager again in the summer.

Club needs stability and long term strategy on how it wants to play, and who is best for that... not just buy good players and hope they fit in.

Personally with Toure, Lescott, Bridge, RSC, SWP and Ade added to what we have missed since bobby manc took over, I think we have enough to do it.
Just a theory (re: lack of activity)

When the accounts came clear about city finances and the Sheik put around £300M to clear all our debt and he also put more in to balance the sheets of around a further £500m. Now i know very little about finances but with the lack of transfer activity around do you think that that’s all they are willing to put in? What I mean is, have they said that’s all the money you have to make this football club the best and they want to make it a money making business before they are willing to do any more. Its as it says at the start only a theory but its worth thinking about. It would explain this transfer window and maybe why cook is not bidding for those big transfers.
Re: Just a theory (re: lack of activity)

Robbo. said:
When the accounts came clear about city finances and the Sheik put around £300M to clear all our debt and he also put more in to balance the sheets of around a further £500m. Now i know very little about finances but with the lack of transfer activity around do you think that that’s all they are willing to put in? What I mean is, have they said that’s all the money you have to make this football club the best and they want to make it a money making business before they are willing to do any more. Its as it says at the start only a theory but its worth thinking about. It would explain this transfer window and maybe why cook is not bidding for those big transfers.

I think there's a lot more being spent on infrastructure, and I think Mancini is not going to waste money this window. Better to get decent folk in the Summer. We could get 4th with the personnel we have now if we don't slip up to teams lower down the league.
Re: Just a theory (re: lack of activity)

I suppose we will get better players in the summer when we have CL footie.

But I still reckon there will be people willing to sign beforehand like Tevez, Ade and Kolo.
Re: Just a theory (re: lack of activity)

As much as I hate Baconface, he was right when he said there's very little value in this transfer window. We have a very strong squad, and theres no need to pay over the odds for players in this window.
maybe its a case that Bobby Manc has told them we don't need anyone else for the rest of the season, that he feels he can get 4th spot without splashing the big cash until summer,maybe the owners want to spend big but Bobby doesn't see the need to. He seems very confident about what he wants from the players,what he expects of them and wont stand for slackers,as he has proved with Robinho. if you put some of those missing players back into the squad we do have a good team with a couple of additions,and the confidence Bobby seems to have instilled in the players since he took over.
listen here "ducado" as i have since said i will be happy should we sign big mac and aj... But as it stands i think it is more likely we go as we are.and like villa last season could result in a missed opportunity for a top4 finish

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