Napoli Ticket at Ground

mostonblues81 said:
ive just checked the back of my ticket, its got my name on it and my cust number but they have put the wrong date of birth on it??? wtf born in 1981 they have put 1968, what should i do help

I've been to san Paolo many times.....2 times stck out in my memory. The first time when I bought a ticket off a tout. I was horrified to see people showing ID at the 1st barrier (before turnstiles) . I dived through my wallet looking for ID all I could find was my E111 and credit cards. The steward immediately called a supervisor and as I pleaded I am English tourist they waved me through.
The second occasion I forgot my passport...again same thing happened. The supervisor immediately waved me through but I was stopped abruptly by a plain clothes rozzer. He looked at my ticket for a good minute (seemed a lifetime) then waved me through.
They are not gonna be hot on you lot at other games I open passport hold up ticket and they just look and off you go. What they are looking for is Napoli fans who have a DASPO ...this is a banning order...yes they will still attempt to get in even with an order against them!!!

I'm sure that at least 20 city fans will turn up without ID. Its par for the course isnt it? The stewards there are really decent guys not like the cold hearted bastards we see at every ground in England. Common sense should prevail for people who are clearly english. However do your best to comply by having ID....a mistaken birthdate is not gonna be noticed

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