Nasri [Merged] continued.

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He,s not had his medical, I know cos he has not been to the bridgewater FFS.... If not tonight , in the morning..........
birchwoodgingerste said:
just been informed nasri failed his medical apparently when the ophamologist checked his eyes theey found pound signs instead of pupils!:)
That gooner on Twitter is funny. Called us the Riyadh Rogers earlier. XD
Its already all over Twitter than he's going to get £200,000 a week, released by an Arsenal Blog. Are people that gullible?
birchwoodgingerste said:
just been informed nasri failed his medical apparently when the optamologist checked his eyes theey found pound signs instead of pupils!:)
If thats the Birchwood estate in Lincoln ,I wouldn't be admitting it.
deano ou812 said:
PSmyth07 said:
Its already all over Twitter than he's going to get £200,000 a week, released by an Arsenal Blog. Are people that gullible?
what a load of boll**ks its £250,000 surely....

With the deeds to a new warehouse in Manchester...

So, he's had his medical although he did not turn up for it, he's having another tomorrow, although he has already signed and will sign again tomorrow, we have agreed a fee but arsenal are unaware of it. He has a shirt with his name on it, he is on between £250,000 and £500,000 a week and he is still a fans favourite or a **** of the Arse. He has twittered or not and has face booked he did not Facebook. The french think he as signed for us and the british press say he's going to the rags. Can I have a tattoo yet.
Re: bridgewater

dario2739 said:
Oli_MCFC said:
dario2739 said:
Trouble over Bridgewater

Half Man Half Biscuit! Love it.

Good man, didn't think anyone was gonna get the reference!

And for us hardcore fans - the 13th album is finally announced as being called 90 Bisodol (Crimond) which is due out on 26th September (or more likely at the Leamington Spa gig on 15th!) Hooray for Nigel, Neil, Ken & Carl.
i8rags said:
So, he's had his medical although he did not turn up for it, he's having another tomorrow, although he has already signed and will sign again tomorrow, we have agreed a fee but arsenal are unaware of it. He has a shirt with his name on it, he is on between £250,000 and £500,000 a week and he is still a fans favourite or a **** of the Arse. He has twittered or not and has face booked he did not Facebook. The french think he as signed for us and the british press say he's going to the rags. Can I have a tattoo yet.

Mate, he signed weeks ago. Get that tat done!
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