National Anthem - 'Britain or England'?

lancs blue said:
BTH said:
Oh dear, another right-on PC Empire apologist. Frankly, you're embarrassing. The sooner some people get over their collective guilt about 'The Empire' the better.

The trouble is BTH, if you ever glance at the Daily Mail there are plenty of Little Englanders who still think have the Empire mentality - it's that we need to get rid of IMO.

Well, I don't read the Daily Mail, but history is history and cannot be rewritten.

But then again, you don't see the French, Spanish or Portuguese being embarrassed about their past Empire building efforts do you? Like it or not, had we not had our Empire, in all likelihood one or a combination of the aforementioned nations would have taken the countries we had for themselves, viz...

Britain is dead. They have their own parliaments while we do not. They enjoy priveliges in education and health care that we do not. They celebrate their home nationality at every opportunity and so should we.
As some one has already posted land of hope and glory is used at the Commonwealth games for England..Scotland use flower of Scotland Wales use Land Of my Fathers...International football Wales use Land Of my Fathers Scotland Use Flower Of Scotland we use...God Save The Queen the national anthem of The United Kingdom???

I love Land Of Hope and Glory remember going to my local to watch Frank Bruno V Oliver McCall when Bruno won this hit the PA at Wembley the entire pub was singing at the top of their voices

go to 2:30 listen from there that should be what we sing!

S.E.H said:
Fuck Britain, we are representing England, not the taffs, paddies and the jocks. I hate all this British bullshit, I personally have never considered myself British because I wish to have no affiliation with the countries mentioned. We stick with God Save the Queen, and if people want something different use Land of Hope and Glory, not some shit like Rule Brittannia.

Us "paddies" have our own fucking national anthem. Thank you!
And I will never consider myself British because I am not.
The British national anthem is 'God Save the Queen' and the English national anthem is 'Land of Hope and Glory', just to say.

We're representing England, and therefore, we should sing the English national anthem. It should be the same for any country that qualifies for any competition in or indeed out of sport. Scotland should sing their anthem, Wales should sing theirs etc. The British national anthem should be used in places such as the Summer and Winter Olympics and the Paralympics, when Britain is in unison against other countries.

But other than that, it should be the individual anthems for the individual countries.
BTH said:
samharris said:
we are the only ones who play the national other fooker does..why is that ??

Cos its shit and harks back to the Empire days...

Oh dear, another right-on PC Empire apologist. Frankly, you're embarrassing. The sooner some people get over their collective guilt about 'The Empire' the better.

GSTQ is a pathetic and embarassing dirge,that has no passion to it, you're quite welcome to it :)
100%manc said:
stadiumcat said:
The anthem for England should be Jerusalem, END OF.

Hell Yeah lol

Many of these national athems if I remember correctly, and if I don't please correct me, WWI or WWII as a use of propaganda, I'm like 99% sure this is the case for 'LAND OF HOPE AND GLORY' which after a few verses goes a little right wing, with death to all other countries and people and such like.

However I personally think England should adopt a national anthem as England is quite clearly a different country to Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales, but a British one when it comes to competing in British event. JERUSALEM would be my personal choice.

I'm proud to be British and English, but that doesn't mean I want my team to be British when the represent England or England when they represent Britain, it's just simple logic.
Considering apart from friendships here and there all of Britain hate the other countrys that are part of it. Its like Russia and Ukraine becoming Great molokov or something. They dont like each other so just why?

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