National Conservatism

There is no doubt in my mind that RW authoritarian beliefs are permeating through society, they are backed by a nefarious network of dodgy Tufton street think tanks and American right wing evangelists.

I read up on American Christian evangelist beliefs and they are fucking scary, look them up and if do not terrify you then fair enough, but they are religious fundamentalists in exactly the same way that the likes of ISIS et al are. there is no compromise, they are right and everyone else is wrong

I am of no religion, but i am tolerant of religion for those who it gives succour too, National Conservatism with its mix of religious fundamentalism, overt nationalism and rampant support for individualism is in my opinion anti societal.

The backers of these people are already rich capitalists who just want to exploit the working man and woman to sate their own need for greed. They do not care about the struggles they have imposed on the working class, they did that delibiritley so they could divide society into idiotic stuff like "woke" who has a penis and other fucking nonsense.

The Nat Cons exist for one reason, they are funded by capital and will work for the interests of capital, they will use "woke" issues to try and create a social reason why you should support the owners of capital. Remember it was the owners of capital with their avarice that created the conditions for this when their greed created the bank crashes in 2008 which facilitated the dumbing down and chronic under funding of public services.

They have created a public arena where demonisation of minorities is perfectly acceptably, not acceptable but encouraged, that disgusts me, but the owners of capital have always known that a strong united working class will fight against their domination and that scares them. They live in fear of us the working class having something they do not have and what they lack is comradeship, because they are individuals who would sell their granny to make a few a few quid where as we would look after granny even if it made us poorer.

The Nat Cs are not patriots, patriotism according to Orwell means loving your country, it is defensive in nature, its a love of place and country, Nationalism as the Nat Cons eschew is inseparable for the desire of power.

This a fabulous quote by Charles De Gaulle

Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.”

Nat Cons

Give them power and we become a fascist state.

I think you might enjoy reading Julia Ebner on how the far-right have been leveraging the social media algorithms and using other tactics to influence mainstream politics. Her latest book is out in paperback soon.

Have written about Ebner (and the 'Great Replacement' conspiracy theory) in another post:

Interestingly, the nat con keynote speaker Viktor Orban has also espoused this theory.

Another book I read a while back (Saving The People: How Populists Hijack Religion by Nadia Marzouki, Duncan McDonnell & Olivier Roy) has a chapter on Hungary. Here's quotation from it:

‘Using an enormous amount of public financial resources, constraining opposition parties’ access to national media, and manipulating electoral rules, Fidesz has won all national elections since 2010.’

Doesn't sound like a free speech-friendly level playing field to me.

Would much rather that the conference wasn't shut down, though. The bollocks and shit that characters like Orban and Braverman geyser needs to be kept in plain sight and then comprehensively rebutted.

Plus, it's given Farage something to whinge about endlessly yet again.
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These RW fucks are, among other things, bringing Christianity into disrepute.

There is no such thing as 'Christian Nationalism.' It is an oxymoron. 'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.'

It's also a very hard plane to get off the runway when only about 1% of the population goes to church regularly. And when, at a guess, 75% of that 1% think you're a ****.
These RW fucks are, among other things, bringing Christianity into disrepute.

There is no such thing as 'Christian Nationalism.' It is an oxymoron. 'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.'

It's also a very hard plane to get off the runway when only about 1% of the population goes to church regularly. And when, at a guess, 75% of that 1% think you're a ****.
Going to church doesn’t necessarily make you a Christian.

A person’s actions defines what they are.

It’s part of the reason I don’t get involved with my wife’s parishes. I’d call out the utter hypocrisy of certain peoples‘ morality not being aligned with the 10 commandments.
These RW fucks are, among other things, bringing Christianity into disrepute.

There is no such thing as 'Christian Nationalism.' It is an oxymoron. 'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.'

It's also a very hard plane to get off the runway when only about 1% of the population goes to church regularly. And when, at a guess, 75% of that 1% think you're a ****.

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