Nativity Quandry!

forget the arab robes put his full home kit on shin pads boots the lot


the lord has sent me a sign to share with you my child he loved his football
Go with the badge idea , fuck the rag bastards . Don't forget to cheer ''..Go on son , you show 'em ..'' ( i would ) when he flashes the badge .
My 4 year old son 'stars' in his first nativity this wednesday ( he's one of the kings ) . When i asked him which King is he ? he replied ''.. Jack the king ..'' . pmsl , quality .
I said ''.. i know that son but what are you carrying all the way to Bethlehem ..'' ? and he said ''..Fransunce ..'' ;-)
Luckily , the school are doing a nativity play in the morning , and nativity play in the afternoon . ( i've got my swine flu vaccination at my G.P's on the wednesday morning , so i've explained to my son that mummy and daddy will see him in the afternoon play ) Good job they're doing two .

Is anyone else's child doing two nativitys on the same day ?

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